Alpha Centaurids: the first meteor shower of 2024, when and where to see this astronomical phenomenon? | International | News

2024-01-17 03:28:00

Astronomical events will be the main protagonists of 2024. It is expected that a solar eclipse can be seen in the sky during the month of April; However, soon you will be able to see the Alpha Centaurid meteor shower, which will pass in front of the Earth in the coming days.

When will the first meteor shower of 2024 be?

The Alpha Centaurid meteor shower will occur during the last days of January and in early or mid-February. Their approach is a reason for people to go out at night and look for the best position to contemplate them, the portal reports. N+.

This event will have a low intensity; However, the best day to appreciate it will be Thursday, February 8; The maximum observation time will be about 6 meteors per hour, so it is best to be patient.

This 2020 ends with one last meteor shower: the Ursids.

From where can you see the Alpha Centaurid meteor shower?

This phenomenon is usually best seen from the southern hemisphere of the Earth, in countries such as Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay; However, it is not limiting, since the event can be captured anywhere in the world, review Ethe herald.

Why do meteor showers occur?

The Spanish Astronomy Society (SEA) explains that this phenomenon occurs when a comet (in this case 1P Halley) releases dust particles and these enter the Earth’s atmosphere at high speed, disintegrating due to friction, producing a luminous trail.

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Although the particles enter parallel, the human eye perceives them as coming from the same point, this constellation is called a meteor shower.

How to see the meteor shower?

It should be noted that in order to enjoy this event, no special lens is required; But if you want to have a better experience, the telescope will be a great ally and will offer greater precision.

Experts recommend looking for a space that is completely dark and far from light pollution from buildings and large cities in general.


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