3 out of 4 billionaires want to pay more taxes

2024-01-16 10:30:34

Oxfam calls for taxing the ultra-rich on their assets

The Annual Report from Oxfam, published in January 2024, highlights a shocking reality: while 60% of the world’s population becomes poorer, great fortunes continue to accumulate, with an increase of 3.3 trillion dollars since 2020. As the NGO report indicates, the wealth of the 5 richest people in the world has increased by 114% over the last three years. For Cécile Duflot, the head of Oxfam: “ Extreme wealth poses a threat to democracy. It is essential that the most fortunate contribute equitably to collective well-being. »

Still according to the Oxfam report, the tide is changing among the ultra-rich. According to the latter, 3 out of 4 millionaires would agree to tax the wealth of the world’s largest fortunes at 2%. So, during the 54th Davos Economic Forum, which will be held in Switzerland until January 19, 2024, around a hundred wealthy people affirmed, in an open letter: “ Tax us rich people. And tax us now ».

“Tax Me Now” movements are growing among young millionaires

Beyond the figures and reports, concrete movements are emerging. “ Tax Me Now » in Germany and Austria, which brings together young millionaires eager to contribute more to society. The 31-year-old BASF heiress, Marlène Engelhorn, whose fortune is estimated at $4.2 billion, has become a leading figure in this movement. She states: “ Paying taxes is a democratic act. This finances the essential structures of society. » In this sense, she launched invitations, at random, to her compatriots in order to form a citizens’ assembly. The objective? Redistribute part of his inheritance (25 million euros) for the “ Common good ».

In the United States, it is the group “ Patriotic Millionaires ” which distinguish. This brings together more than 250 wealthy people, with the common objective of redistributing wealth more equitably. Morris Pearl, former BlackRock executive, is an active member of the group: “ Not all rich people are greedy. We want the world to get better, and that means making a greater tax contribution on our part. » These initiatives reflect awareness, particularly among the youngest millionaires and billionaires.

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