2024-01-16 06:39:31
Environmentalists are calling for an effective climate protection law to achieve climate neutrality by 2040
Vienna (OTS) – The greenhouse gas balance for 2022 presented today fortunately shows a falling trend in greenhouse gas emissions. Nevertheless, the environmental protection organization GLOBAL 2000 sees an urgent need for action: “The climate balance is still a mess every year. In addition to the federal government’s climate protection measures, a warm winter and high energy prices have contributed significantly to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. But you can’t rely on that. The federal government must therefore not slide into the election campaign, but must work until the last minute to achieve the climate goals. What is central is a climate protection law that prescribes a binding reduction path and is strong enough to enforce it,” says Johannes Wahlmüller, climate and energy spokesman for the environmental protection organization GLOBAL 2000, calling on the federal government to act.
GLOBAL 2000 does not see Austria on track to achieve its climate goals
The encouraging reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in 2022 should not obscure the fact that Austria still lacks many laws for a successful energy transition and the achievement of climate goals. Many laws and projects announced in the government program and on other occasions are still missing. This concerns, among other things, the reduction of 4.7 billion euros in environmentally harmful subsidies, the Climate Protection Act and the Renewable Gases Act, which is intended to reduce dependence on Russian gas supplies.
Austria is therefore not on track to achieve the EU climate goals. According to calculations by the Federal Environment Agency, existing measures can only achieve a greenhouse gas reduction of around 27%. With additional measures announced by the federal government, an emissions reduction of 35% can be expected. However, the EU climate target for Austria requires a greenhouse gas reduction of 48% by 2030 compared to 2005. “The delaying tactics of parts of the federal government must now be ended and the reform backlog must be dealt with. Important energy transition laws, the adoption of the Climate Protection Act and the dismantling of environmentally harmful subsidies must no longer be postponed,” demands Johannes Wahlmüller in conclusion.
Questions & Contact:
Hannah Keller, press spokeswoman for GLOBAL 2000, 0699 14 2000 64, [email protected]
Johannes Wahlmüller, climate and energy spokesman GLOBAL 2000, 0699 14 2000 41, johannes.wahlmü[email protected]
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