Strategies for Increasing Birth Rates in Russia: The Role of Young Families and Economic Incentives

2024-01-14 23:40:00

One of the conditions for increasing the birth rate is the reorientation of young families towards children. It is worthwhile to simultaneously help families resolve housing issues and increase payments for each subsequent child. This was stated by sociologist Andrei Milekhin of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU).

“One of the main conditions for improving the birth rate situation is the reorientation of young families towards children. In parallel with this, it is worth stimulating them with economic privileges, namely helping to resolve housing issues and increasing payments for each subsequent child,” Milekhin noted, Vedomosti reports.

Russia is the only global macroregion with a large territory but a declining population. Western approaches cannot be used as the basis for demographic policy. We need our own strategy, experts note in the article “Demography”. First of all, the importance of restoring the institution of family is noted. Ensuring population reproduction is possible only with a large increase in the number of large families.

The demographic situation in Russia will improve in the coming years. The wave in the Russian Federation will go up in regarding three years, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with the winners of the All-Russian championship in professional skills “Professionals”. According to Putin, thanks to this there will be two million more young specialists – almost ten million, reports telekanal 360.

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