SPÖ-Silvan: “Finally implement the six-point plan for Long Covid and ME/CFS patients!”

2024-01-14 11:33:19

Ombudsman spokesman underlines important demand for the expansion of Long-Covid outpatient clinics in addition to reference centers

Vienna (OTS/SK) – In November, Health Minister Rauch announced the establishment of a reference center for Long Covid and ME/CFS patients. “This is not the only thing that patients are still eagerly waiting for,” says SPÖ Ombudsman spokesman Rudolf Silvan. The MP is also a member of the National Council’s Health Committee and, not least for this reason, supports a proposal from Ombudsman Bernhard Achitz, who has spoken out in favor of expanding the outpatient clinics for Long Covid and ME/CFS patients instead of dismantling them. Silvan: “Mr Health Minister, please help the patients, finally implement our six-point plan before the government term ends and nothing happens once more!” ****

Silvan developed the 6-point plan together with the SPÖ women’s spokesperson in the National Council, Eva-Maria Holzleitner, and presented it at the end of November. This provides for the following immediate measures:

Rapid implementation of the announced reference centerTargeted training of doctors and optimization of the research and data situationOptimization of the return strategy for returneesUnexceptionable recognition of Long-Covid as an occupational disease analogous to the German model in order to guarantee the best possible careCreate pension payments for the period of reduced earning capacityAn assessment carried out close to home Better sensitized social security experts

The fact that numerous patients have turned to the Ombudsman for help shows that these demands of the two MPs are justified, because there are many people who suffer from a post-viral illness, are confined to bed and have no appropriate medical care to alleviate their illness. Worse still, for example, obstacles are placed in their way with a mandatory assessment outside their own four walls. “Anyone who talks to patients and deals with their suffering will understand why we are so vehemently demanding these improvements and the introduction of our 6-point plan. The government must finally stop burying its head in the sand when there is something to be done in this country!”

Click here for the Social Democrats’ 6-point plan:

(Conclusion) ff

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#SPÖSilvan #Finally #implement #sixpoint #plan #Long #Covid #MECFS #patients



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