Improving Health Through Enjoyable Activities: Enhance Recovery & Reduce Disease Risk

2024-01-13 19:06:26

This enjoyable activity in all respects also strengthens our health and even helps speed up recovery or reduce the risk of certain diseases.

A cold

Serotonin, a hormone that is actively released during lovemaking, is not only “responsible” for our good mood, but also supports the immune system. Accordingly, more sexually active citizens are less susceptible to viruses, and if they do catch ARVI or the flu, they recover faster, and the disease itself goes away faster.

By the way, you should also not forget regarding the effect of intense sex on increased body temperature: the more you sweat during lovemaking, the faster and safer it will be possible to bring down the fever.


This is an enjoyable activity in every way – an effective natural remedy for allergies and even asthma symptoms. Having sex, firstly, relieves stress (and worries and worries are the trigger of these diseases), and secondly, it fills the blood with oxygen and increases blood supply to the respiratory organs.

Heart diseases

If you have had a heart attack, then you definitely need to have sex regularly.

A study of almost 500 volunteers found that having regular sex within six months following a heart attack reduces the risk of a second heart attack and death from heart disease by 35%.

It’s all regarding the load that the heart muscle receives during lovemaking: a short-term and intense increase in heart rate is extremely beneficial for its health. However, you shouldn’t limit yourself to just sex: swimming, running or walking should also be practiced as often as possible.


Arthritis, migraines, menstrual pain – sex helps with these (and many other) painful conditions.


Moreover, as research results show, in order to reduce pain, you don’t even have to look for a partner: self-stimulation gives the same (and in some situations even better) effect.

Depression and anxiety

Neurotransmitters that are actively produced during sex help reduce anxiety and help you relax. The best part is that this effect is long-lasting and continues to act for several hours following the actual sexual intercourse.

#diseases #good #sex #prevent



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