Unlocking the Secrets of Flexible Metabolism for Better Health

2024-01-14 08:29:00

Flexibility and strength are determining aspects of our health. Just as we do sports to exercise our muscles and stretch to improve joint mobility, our metabolism is another element that we must work on to make sure everything works well inside. And improving it brings us great benefits, from sleeping better to losing weight faster.


As biomedicine says, Dr. Laura Lacuna: “A metabolism is flexible when it is capable of using both carbohydrates and fat as fuel.” Achieving it is very important and not complicated if you know how to do it, and today we will tell you everything so that you too can enjoy a much healthier body.

What is metabolism and how does it work?

Metabolism is what we call the set of physical and chemical processes that occur in our body and that convert food into energyto be able to carry out everything necessary and stay alive, from breathing to thinking or regulating our body temperature.

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When we eat, the digestive system comes into play to absorb and break down what is necessary into amino acids, fats and simple sugars, and thus be able to transform food into energy.

Once the decomposition is completed, the blood is the one that absorbs the compounds to transport them to the cells: “After they enter the cells, other enzymes act to accelerate or regulate the chemical reactions responsible for assimilating them. During these processes, the energy of the amino acids, fatty acids and sugars can be released for the body to use or store in body tissues, especially in liver, muscles and body fat” explains Dr. Llacuna.

What does it mean to have a flexible metabolism and why is it important?

But if metabolism is a series of fundamental processes for our body work like a clockit is even more important to understand that we need to turn this system into a perfectly oiled ‘super machine’ capable of taking advantage of both carbohydrates and fats equally.


“And flexible metabolism It would be like a bicycle with gears, which allows us to easily adapt our pace according to the difficulties of the route: if we are going downhill or uphill, if we have to overtake… On the other hand, a metabolism with low flexibility is more like a bicycle without gears. , which is more difficult to do depending on the efforts and with which we get much more tired” explains Llacuna with this very visual example.

Having a flexible metabolism will help you go less hungry without losing muscle massbecause your body is capable of burning excess processes, preventing them from accumulating and turning into fat, so it also you will gain less weight. In addition, it increases performance when practicing sports, so a flexible metabolism also helps burn more fat and improve your physical condition.

How to have a flexible metabolism and lose weight?

There are certain changes that we can make in our daily lives to achieve this healthy change and Laura Llacuna recommends starting with these three:

  • intermittent fasting. Doing intermittent fasting consists of allow a minimum of 12 hours to pass between dinner and breakfast: “When fasting, the body also has to resort to fat reserves to obtain energy. In addition, if the diet we follow is high in fat, it will allow us to go without eating all this time and not go hungry.”
  • Follow a ketogenic diet. In this type of diet, few carbohydrates are consumed so that the body prioritizes burning fat, so it is recommended that you carry it out under the supervision of a professional: “When the body can no longer use glucose (from carbohydrates) as fuel and uses the body’s fat reserves, these are converted into ketones to feed the muscles and other tissues. Then we say that we enter ketosis. The result of ketosis is fat burning and faster weight loss.”
  • Do exercise. Start the day moving on an empty stomach and complement it with 2 or 3 days a week of intense exercise: “It’s very interesting train strength, do exercises with weights, resistance bands, machines or your own body weight, because it has been proven that Having good muscle mass helps with metabolic flexibility.”.

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