The 2024 Presidential Election: Potential for a Trump Comeback and Public Opinion

2024-01-13 21:00:00

The US presidential election will be held in November 2024. While incumbent President Biden’s approval ratings are declining, some believe that former President Trump is aiming for a comeback. Taro Iwata, an American journalist, said, “Even among the most important supporters of the Democratic Party, President Biden’s approval rating is plummeting.”

Possibility of a “Trump comeback” in the 2024 presidential election

Regarding former President Donald Trump (77), the US media is reporting in unison that the possibility of him making a comeback in the November 2024 presidential election has increased.

Various opinion polls in recent months have consistently shown that Mr. Trump is leading incumbent President Joe Biden (81) by several points, even in the close states that will decide the outcome of the election.

However, this is a very strange phenomenon. To date, Mr. Trump has been indicted on four occasions for a total of 91 criminal charges, including “insurrection” in an attempt to overturn Mr. Biden’s victory in the 2020 presidential election, “exfiltration of classified documents” and “hush money for extramarital affairs.” He has been charged with a crime, and is mired in a mountainous trial.

Photo = Sisperova

Suspicions include “taking confidential documents” and “paying hush money for an affair” (*Photo is for illustrative purposes only)

Mr. Trump’s job evaluation during his time as president from 2017 to 2021 is not particularly high compared to previous presidents, but why does he have a higher approval rating than Mr. Biden?

Many Americans think Trump is a terrible president

On December 19, 2023, the Supreme Court of the western state of Colorado ruled that former President Donald Trump cannot run in the state’s primary for next year’s presidential election.showed judgment

The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states, “No person who has held public office under an oath to defend the Constitution shall be prohibited from holding public office again if he or she has been involved in rebellion or rebellion against the United States.”

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The state Supreme Court found that Trump participated in the January 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol and ruled that he is ineligible to run for president.

Trump himself has denied being complicit in the “insurrection.”

Major pollster YouGov conducted a survey immediately after the ruling.investigation A total of 54% of respondents said they “supported” this ruling, while only 35% said they “disapproved.”

These results suggest that many Americans believe that Trump has been a terrible president and that he is unfit to serve as president.

The US news site Business Insider conducted this in early September.poll However, 58% of respondents said Trump was “unfit to hold public office.”

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