Elections in the Comoros: President Azali Assoumani Seeks Re-Election – Latest Updates and Candidates

2024-01-14 03:42:25

The Comorians are called to elect their governors and especially their president from 7 a.m. local time (4 a.m. UT). Azali Assoumani, in power since 2016, is seeking a new term. Facing him, five opposition candidates.

Published on: 01/14/2024 – 04:42

2 mn

With our special correspondent, David Bache et our correspondent, Abdallah Mzembaba

The outgoing president Azali Assoumani intends to continue its “Plan Comoros emerging”, its adversaries claim to achieve what has not been done in eight years, or at least to get down to it. And they all believe they are best able to work for the development of the archipelago, where almost half of the 836,000 inhabitants live below the poverty line, according to the World Bank.

Because in the markets or in universities, Comorians unanimously complain regarding the high cost of living and problems with access to electricity or water. Other recurring requests from Comorians: health – those who can go abroad for treatment – or strengthening education and professional training for young people.

Last issue of the election: its credibility and transparency, while opponents have continued to denounce “ maneuvers » aimed at ensuring the re-election of Azali Assoumani. Reason why a fringe of the opposition is calling not to go to the polls this Sunday.

Accusations brushed aside by the person concerned, who recalls the existence of legal remedies.

The supporters of the outgoing president believe in a knockout, in a re-election in the first round. Elected in 2016 then in 2019 following a constitutional change in 2018 to be able to represent himself, Azali Assoumani has the support of the Alliance for the Presidential Movement. Assoumani’s supporters aspire to his victory in order to continue ongoing projects in the country.

His opponents hope that alternation is possible. Among them, Salim Issa Abdillah, who benefits from strong support, that of former president Ahmed Abdallah Sambi. This trained doctor promises to restore, once elected, power to the island of Anjouan within the framework of the rotating presidency of the Union of the Comoros.

Bourhane Hamidou made this promise one of his campaign themes. This former president of the National Assembly is at the head of a movement called Woneha and favors a consensual approach.

Among the other candidates who hope to do well, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Aboudou Soefo, the former governor of Grande Comore, Mouigni Baraka Saïd Soilihi, who is running for the third time and the former minister of the Interior Daoudou Abdallah Mohamed. The former mayor of the capital has been in opposition for three years.

Read alsoPresidential election in the Comoros: the accreditation of observers and representatives of the opposition still poses a problem

#candidates #voters #full #expectations



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