Move More, Sit Less: The Importance of Daily Physical Activity for Health and Well-being

2024-01-13 18:00:00

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), physical activity is defined “as any bodily movement produced by the skeletal muscles, which requires an expenditure of energy”, above that of rest. It therefore includes domestic tasks such as gardening, cleaning, shopping, DIY, etc. But also active travel such as walking, climbing stairs, cycling, etc.

Sports activity is more “associated with the search for results or performances in a competition or leisure context, with precise rules”, recalls Régis Juanico, expert in public sports policies in his work entitled Bougeons.

More physical activity than sport

In terms of health, “it is the physical activities of daily life that make the difference,” he insists. They are simply “vital”, whatever our age and state of health!

Indeed, he continues, “as with a medication, the effects only last 24 to 48 hours. Regularity is therefore essential. If you stay two or three days without moving, you lose the benefits of the movements you have produced.”

Against a sedentary lifestyle

This is why it is important to move every day. This is also the whole point of the national campaign aptly titled “Move 30 minutes every day”. A real call to movement as the promotion of physical and sporting activity has been elevated to the rank of a Great National Cause for 2024.

The challenge ? Combat a sedentary lifestyle by “questioning your routines in your personal or professional life to choose an option that allows you to move as soon as possible,” argues the government.

And to conclude: “There is no need to become an athlete to reap the physical and mental benefits of physical activity. The main thing is to move. Move more, more often and more regularly.”

#important #daily #basis



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