Fatal Shooting in Quilpué: Woman Killed and Two Injured in Armed Attack

2024-01-13 23:22:02

A new shooting It was recorded this Saturday followingnoon in the Valparaíso regionprecisely in Quilpué, where a woman was killed and two other people with injuries of varying severity.

As reported by the Captain of the Carabineros of the Second Quilpué Police Station, Fernando Carvallothe event occurred following 4:00 p.m. this Saturday and was recorded in the Victoria Poniente town.

“According to witness statements that Carabineros was able to collect, it is established that A vehicle arrives at the scene from which seven individuals get out, who are armed with a firearm and carry out an attack on a family group.“commented the uniformed officer.

He added that, following the attack, Three adults, two women and one man, were injured.who were treated by SAMU personnel and referred to different hospital centers.

Nevertheless, One of the women, aged thirty, died as a result of the severity of her injuries.detailed the police officer.

“For this reason, contact was made with the Public Ministry to establish the procedures aimed at clarifying the dynamics of the events, which is why the Homicide Brigade was appointed to carry out the investigation,” explained Fernando Carvallo.

Meanwhile, Carabineros is guarding the site of the armed attack, “in order to maintain the integrity of the evidence.”

“As a Government, we condemn these events and we are working hard with our police to put an end to these situations”stated the presidential delegate of Marga Marga, Fidel Cueto.

#Shooting #Quilpué #leaves #woman #dead #adults #injured

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