FPÖ – Kickl: “2024 will bring political change with a liberal people’s chancellor and a turn towards our own people!”

2024-01-13 15:12:15

Freedom Party started the red-white-red “Fateful Year 2024” at the New Year’s meeting with thousands of visitors and full of energy.

Premstätten (OTS) – At today’s New Year’s meeting, the FPÖ got off to a brilliant start into the super election year 2024 with thousands of enthusiastic visitors. Federal party chairman Club chairman NAbg. Herbert Kickl emphasized in his speech that “this year will be the year of decision, the year of political change for Austria”: “We are taking on the major challenges before us with full force and none of them will be too big for us We will show it at the elections in Innsbruck and Salzburg, at the state elections in Styria and Vorarlberg, at the EU elections and at the National Council elections in the fall! Because in the history books we should read that the return to real democracy, the throwing off of the chains by the population, the restoration of freedom, prosperity and security, began here in the Schwarzl Hall in 2024!

You can feel the “incredible positive power and energy” that comes from the freedom movement and the thousands of visitors today; it has made the FPÖ so strong in recent years. “And in the coming elections, this positive force will strike like the proverbial lightning into the system of aloofness, self-absorption and obsession with power, as ÖVP Chancellor Nehammer embodied once more in his ZIB2 appearance. Everyone else wants to tame and break this positive, liberal energy!” For this purpose, an “unholy alliance” has been formed, which consists of so-called political experts, “system media” and the political opponents in the other parties: “These political experts have given the FPÖ ‘chronic infirmity’ and that it would never come close to participating in government once more – but today we stand strong and motivated like never before to make the decisive blow! The ‘system media’ is also part of this ‘power cartel’. They are a kind of ‘heart-lung machine’ of the political status quo, relying on attitude instead of facts, on partisanship instead of fairness and all too often on manipulation instead of information. This ‘disastrous alliance’ also includes the political opponents in the other parties, who have long since merged into a ‘unity party’ because together they are committed to the decline of our homeland, they adore the EU and only have one goal: freedom Party and a People’s Chancellor,” said Kickl, who recommended that the other parties run with a common list: “‘Verrat List’ or ‘Anti-Austrian United Front’ would be suitable names for it.”

This merger of the other parties is no different on a political level than Signa is on an economic level. “There and there it’s regarding packaging, appropriating and cashing in. While at Signa the taxpayers and employees are the victims, at the political level it is its own population. What at Signa means Benko, Gusenbauer and Haselsteiner, at the political level it means Nehammer, Babler and Meinl-Reisinger – Kogler can also be included. Overall, this is a ghostly parallel shift and certainly not a future model for Austria!” the liberal federal party chairman continued, emphasizing that they were taking on the challenge as “blue Hercules once morest this hydra with black, red, green and pink heads”. Their strategy is simple: “Whatever doesn’t fit their concept is labeled as negative, evil and dangerous. In the minds of the elites and all those who do not mean well with the population, this is synonymous with ‘right’, their code word for ‘right-wing extremist’, true to the motto: ‘If the citizen becomes uncomfortable, then brand him as right-wing extremist’. The result is that people who stand up for their basic rights and freedoms, customs, driving with diesel or petrol, eating meat, families consisting of father, mother and children or advocating for peace and negotiations would be branded as “right-wing”. .

“If I am insulted as a ‘right-wing extremist’ by political will-o’-the-wisps like Nehammer or Kogler, then I wear this insult like a medal. Because what they defame as evil and right-wing is in reality nothing other than the middle of society – and we libertarians are the representatives of this middle, of common sense, of normality and the only ones who say what others don’t dare say.” said Kickl. He himself is also “much more tolerant than the self-proclaimed tolerants” because he would recognize election results: “I am proud to be the only ‘normal’ in the whole bunch of systemists and it is my firm conviction that normality must return to the Federal Chancellery. That’s why it’s so important that we libertarians achieve a clear result in the National Council election. Because the clearer it is, the less temptation our opponents have to sin and violate democracy. The Federal President must also know that although he resides in the Hofburg, that does not mean he is emperor and that he also has to respect the constitution. There is nothing in it regarding a mandate to form a government, but there is the principle of equality – and that makes it impossible for democrats to consider the votes of the FPÖ voters as less valuable than those of the other parties!

This year, the Freedom Party only needs to push forward those things that would make the difference. That is straightforwardness, hard work, diligence, bravery and courage to take on the powerful and the ability to deal with “wounds” and carry on: “Because we have to expect all forms of villainy because it is regarding everything. We must never overestimate the intelligence of our political competitors, but at the same time we must not underestimate their brutality – and we are prepared for that.” The FPÖ would also recognize the right issues and the “unconditional commitment to its own population, to the ‘Austrian family’, in which well-integrated immigrants also have their place. In one word this means “people’s chancellor”: “First the people, then the chancellor. The interests, worries and concerns of the ‘Austrian family’ must be the sole focus of politics. Right now it’s the other way around, we have a system chancellor who has never stood for election!”

The FPÖ has also overcome the “limits of a party” and has become more of a “home movement and movement for normality”: “And that is exactly what we will expand on this year, little by little. This is the ‘People’s Chancellor Mission’. Voters have one certainty: the FPÖ is right on all crucial political issues and the other parties are wrong. That was the case with Corona, where the perpetrators from back then now believe they can get away with a pseudo-processing as ‘responsibility fugitives’. We are right regarding economic warfare and the destruction of neutrality, where economic ties built over decades were destroyed overnight. And we are right regarding eco-communism in that we advocate for nature and environmental protection that must be carried out over generations, otherwise we will destroy everything that guarantees our prosperity and our future. And we were also right when it came to asylum and immigration policy, where we libertarians should have been listened to long ago and where those who recently wanted to deny the right of residence in their own country to unvaccinated citizens are now talking loudly regarding ‘human rights’. The good news is: This political madness will soon be over!”

With a view to the coming elections, Kickl was convinced that Mario Kunasek would achieve a brilliant electoral success in Styria because: “People want a robust politician with rough edges and not a weak and anemic figure. They want an ‘Archduke Johann 2.0’ – a father for Styria just like Jörg Haider was for Carinthia. And in Vorarlberg too, Christof Bitschi will get rid of the burned-out black-green political hybrid Wallner. We will help you too!”

The FPÖ fights for the family, property, prosperity, for achievement that is worthwhile. Opportunities for advancement, linguistic and cultural integration, the homeland as a neutral state, peace, security, normality. “None of this is extreme or even right-wing. And we are the only party that stands up for it. Example of property: I grew up in a working class community, we didn’t have much. But no one would have thought to be jealous of the other person. My parents were hardworking and created property for themselves. Property is self-determination and creates independence. This is what distinguishes us from the left. They want to keep people in line with the various subsidies. They want us to replace heaters. “It’s much easier to replace this government,” said Kickl.

Property is a thorn in the side of the Marxists in the SPÖ anyway. The people had nothing, but the bigwigs were doing well. Babler is the best example of this, as he also served as his own press spokesman as mayor. Kickl: “The current government policy is a mixture of ÖVP failure and Marx & Botch.”

When it comes to family policy, the FPÖ leader also reiterated that for him the family consists of father and mother. If you say this publicly, you will be insulted as backwards. But: “The family is the model of survival and therefore a model for the future. We must protect the family from the overreach of the state. The others attack the family. Parenting at home is talked regarding badly, but you have to value those mothers who choose to stay at home. This also applies to all those who care for our seniors at home.”

Herbert Kickl wants to ensure a strong homeland in Austria with the FPÖ. The other parties’ approach is that Austria is now only a branch of the EU and other organizations. “We will therefore expand our constitution as a ‘firewall’ once morest these attacks by the EU, NATO, WHO, WEF or the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. There will be no access without the consent of the Austrians!”

In migration, Kickl saw the local culture at risk from immigration. “Our problem is not remigration, but migration. You have to start there. That’s why we will implement our ‘Fortress Austria’ and no longer accept asylum applications. We’ll get through this. We will switch from cash to in-kind benefits and prevent there being a transition from asylum seeker status to citizenship. And don’t let anyone convince you that it can’t be done. Only those who have no balls say that! Just like the Marxists: They want to make invaders from all over the world and Austria the world’s social welfare office. They don’t care regarding debt, the economy is driven away. And you should earn more and more for less and less work. This is killing the entrepreneurs. In short: Babler’s program is not a program, but a problem for Austria,” said Kickl with conviction. The ÖVP will peddle bourgeois values ​​before the election, but then following the election they will seek a coalition with Marxists in order to implement the opposite of what was previously promised. Kickl: “The ÖVP has already not been able to assert itself once morest the 14 percent party. What will it be like in a coalition with the Reds and Greens or the Neos? This has to be explained in detail to all those who want to vote for this ÖVP.”

Finally, Kickl announced that he wanted to defend the interests of the Austrians at all levels: “We will say ‘no’ in Brussels and play the veto card: once morest tens of millions of euros for arms deliveries to Ukraine and its accession to the EU, once morest them harmful sanctions once morest Russia and once morest the redistribution of refugees. And saying ‘no’ in Brussels is difficult. You are put under pressure and excluded. But we are ready to take this path together with our Harald Vilimsky. Because the EU is no longer the one we joined. We should therefore return to the original core, a Europe of fatherlands. Peace should be achieved with the EU through economic cooperation, but without depriving the countries of their independence and distinctiveness. Unfortunately, things are different today. And I promise you: We will take them into our grip: the Eurocrats in Brussels and their henchmen in Austria. Let’s put her in a headlock. It won’t be an easy road until then, but with your help we will get there and experience a brightly lit, free 2024.”

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Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ)

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