SAMU operator indicted

2024-01-12 15:11:32

The prosecution also requested “the referral of this person to the criminal court (…) in December “added the public prosecutor of Strasbourg, Yolande Renzi. “If the investigating magistrate follows the requisitions, the court will be seized of this file as soon as possible. »

This indictment and these requisitions come following an investigation lasting several years, the duration of which has often despaired the young woman’s loved ones. “Naomi’s family has been waiting for more than six years for a hearing”a repris M. Coubris. “This indictment was a source of relief, with the feeling that justice is working efficiently, even if it does so at its own pace, which is sometimes poorly appreciated or misunderstood by families. »

Wave of indignation

Mother of an 18-month-old child, Naomi Musenga died on December 29, 2017 at Strasbourg hospital following being treated with “an overall delay of almost two hours and twenty minutes”according to a report from the general inspection of social affairs.

Her distress call sparked a huge wave of indignation following the conversation with the operator was broadcast in the media and on social networks. ” I have got a very strong stomachache “, ” I ache all over “, ” I will die… “whispered Naomi, struggling to express herself. “Yes you will die, certainly one day like everyone else”, the regulator had retorted, mockingly. Suspended, she no longer works at the University Hospital, according to Mr. Coubris.

A first expert opinion, fought forcefully by the young woman’s family, concluded that she had died following a “paracetamol intoxication absorbed by self-medication over several days”. A second expert opinion refuted the conclusions of the first, citing a digestive vascular accident leading to hemorrhage.

Understand: How does the SAMU work, called into question following “serious malfunctions” in Strasbourg?
#SAMU #operator #indicted



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