Volunteer Blood Donor Association Welcomes New Member and Sets Ambitious Goals for 2024

2024-01-12 14:30:00

This friendly moment took place Wednesday evening at the Maison des Associations Mouillelongue.

President Michelle Biccaï is particularly keen on this, because it is also an opportunity to receive some of the associate members, such as flaggers, posters, collectors and spouses of members.
Despite last minute absences due to health reasons or due to poor traffic conditions, the president recalled the good figures for 2023. The ADSB of Le Creusot et des Environs is a good student with 135 more donors than in 2022. and a stable rate of 9.7% among new donors.
That’s less than 7% nationally! 2024 presents itself with the same objectives. At the start of the year, reserves are low and more than 30 collections are planned during the year.
A new arrival at the Association of Volunteer Blood DonorsGeorges Leblanc, 77, lives in Le Creusot. He spent his entire career within the national gendarmerie. After starting at the Decize brigade, he followed a motorcycle course in Nemours, then followed by a fast car course. So many memories behind the wheel of the legendary Alpine Renault, the DS 21 or the prestigious SM! He also experienced many brigades with stints in Chalon, Belfort, Saint-Etienne, Dijon and three years in Tahiti.
When he retired, he came to settle in Le Creusot to be closer to his children. And volunteering is his thing. “I have free time, I like to be useful and help others.” The proof with 20 years at Restos du Cœur, 8 in Dijon from 2005 to 2013, then at Le Creusot until 2023, where his wife subsequently replaced him. Beaux Bagages festival-goers will no doubt have come across him, since he is part of the “La Rue Gissante” association. Georges also volunteers at Souvenir Français where he serves as treasurer. At the Volunteer Blood Donor Association, we welcomed him with open arms. Initially, Georges will take care of the posters announcing the collections in different points of the city.

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