Renewable reaches more than 37% of installed capacity in 2022 – Today Morocco

2024-01-12 10:20:24

In Morocco, the total installed electricity capacity at the end of 2022 amounts to 11.05 GW. By energy source, the share of renewable energies is 37.6% in terms of installed capacity during the same year. Wind power represents 14.1%, followed by hydraulics (11.8%), solar (7.5%) and STEPs (4.2%).

The electricity market in Morocco continues to strengthen with an increasingly large share of renewable energies. At the end of 2022, the total installed power amounts to 11.05 GW with an increase of 87 MW compared to 2021, thanks to the commissioning of the Taza wind farm, according to the National Electricity Regulatory Authority (ANRE). “The additional installed capacity of 87 MW corresponds to the first phase of this project which totals a capacity of 150 MW. More generally, and since the adoption of the national energy strategy in 2009, installed capacity has increased at an overall growth rate of 74.2%, from 6.34 GW in 2010 to 11.05 GW in 2022. “, affirms the same source adding that this growth is attributed to the installed capacity of renewable energies, the share of which reached 37.6% of the total installed capacity in 2022, or the equivalent of 4,154 MW (including STEPs) . As for the maximum power demand, it amounts to 7,250 MW in 2022, achieving an increase of 8% over one year. The distribution of installed capacity by energy source in 2022 reveals that the share of renewable energies is 37.6% (wind represents 14.1%, hydraulic 11.8%, solar 7.5% and WWTPs 4.2%).

ANRE notes that the installed capacity of renewable energies connected to the transport network is growing by 87 MW, reaching a total capacity of 4,154 MW at the end of 2022. “This increase is attributable to the commissioning of the first tranche of the Taza wind farm,” underlines the same source. Concerning the evolution of the installed power of renewable energies, it experienced a significant increase between 2010 and 2022, in particular thanks to the development of solar and wind energies. “Solar energy increased from an installed power of 20 MW from the CSP Ain Beni Mathar project in 2010 to 831 MW of installed power from solar thermal and photovoltaic in 2022,” specifies the Authority, noting that the installed capacity of wind energy has also increased remarkably in this period, going from an installed capacity of 222 MW in 2010 to an installed capacity of 1,553 MW in 2022. For its part, the hydroelectric capacity installed and connected to the electricity transport network is stagnating over the last eleven years to 1,306 MW of hydroelectric dams and 464 MW of STEP. Concerning the production of electricity from renewable sources, it amounts to 18.1% of total electricity production in 2022, representing a drop of 7.8% compared to the production of the year 2021. “This drop is attributable to the decrease in hydraulic, STEP and solar production with rates of -57.2, -16.5 and -20.3% respectively. It should be noted that hydraulic production has shown a downward trend since 2010, unlike wind production which has experienced a sustained increase,” reports the same source. Regarding hydroelectric installations, ANRE indicates that they are divided between dams and STEPs, with a respective installed power of 1,306 MW and 464 MW in 2022. In this sense, it should be noted that the hydraulic energy produced declined by an average annual rate of 17.4% between the year 2010 and the year 2022. “This decrease is due to the constraints linked to the water stress that Morocco has experienced in recent years,” explains the ‘ANRE. For its part, the installed wind capacity in 2022 reaches 1,553 MW, or 14.1% of the total national capacity and 37.4% of the installed capacity in the renewable energy mix. According to the regulator, renewable technology contributed 12.9% to the total national electricity production, noting that around 51% of this production was ensured by private investors within the framework of law n°13.09 relating to to renewable energies, 37% by concessionaires, 11% produced by ONEE and 1% by self-production projects. For its part, the solar capacity installed in 2022 is 831 MW, or 7.5% of the total national capacity and 20% of the installed capacity in the renewable energy mix. “Solar energy contributed 3.5% to national production, of which 85% was provided by Masen production and 15% by ONEE production,” indicates the same source. Furthermore, ANRE informs that no solar project connected to the transport network has been developed within the framework of Law No. 13.09, explaining this by the delay in the publication of the decree of Law No. 13.09 setting the areas that can accommodate power plants using solar energy. “This decree was published in the Official Bulletin of September 25, 2022. This step should now unleash the development of large-scale solar energy using the national electricity grid to transport the energy produced to the customer,” concludes the same source.

#Renewable #reaches #installed #capacity #Today #Morocco



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