recommendations for Covid-19 after the appearance of a new subvariant of omicron in Argentina

2024-01-11 22:48:36

The Ministry of Health of the Province of Córdoba once once more reiterates the recommendations to prevent Covid-19, following the increase in cases in the country and the confirmation of the circulation of the JN.1 subvariant, omicron mutation.

Although this variant has a high infective capacity, no severity is observed in the confirmed cases, nor have they generated an impact on the health system.

In the provincial territory, in the last three weeks a slight increase in coronavirus cases in outpatients might be observed, but there was no increase in the number of hospitalized patients.

The health portfolio recommends that people with respiratory symptoms, especially those over 50 years of age or who have risk factors, not go to their workplace and consult their reference health center early.

Vaccination once morest Covid-19

People belonging to groups that are at high risk of developing severe forms of the disease (those who are 50 years of age or older, people who are immunocompromised or pregnant) should receive a booster dose once morest Covid-19 six months following the dose given. The indication must be followed regardless of the amount of reinforcements previously received.

It should also be noted that, if a person for some reason needs to receive the booster before 6 months, they can do so; but in all cases it is necessary that at least 4 months pass since the last application.

Meanwhile, those who have a medium risk of developing severe disease should receive a new booster six months following the last dose administered, and subsequently an annual booster. This group includes: those under 50 years of age with comorbidities, chronic diseases and obesity; health personnel; and people who fulfill strategic functions, because they have a higher risk of exposure.

Finally, people considered at low risk of complications (that is, those under 50 years of age without comorbidities) have a booster vaccination once morest Covid-19 available and it is recommended that it be applied annually.

It is remembered that the vaccination strategy for coronavirus is key to maintaining adequate protection and preventing complications, hospitalizations and deaths from this disease.

Also, the target population is recommended to go to the vaccination center to confirm if their pneumococcus regimen is complete, to anticipate cold climates and reach that moment with adequate protection.

The Covid-19 booster doses, and all those on the official calendar, are free and available in the more than 800 vaccination centers in the province.

#recommendations #Covid19 #appearance #subvariant #omicron #Argentina



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