Silence and Controversy: The Mysterious Leadership of Alejandro Soto

2024-01-11 21:33:21

In the same style as the vacant former president Pedro Castillo, the president of Congress, Alejandro Soto (Alliance for Progress), has chosen to maintain an extensive media silence. For 145 days he has not held a press conference open to all the media that cover the incidents in Parliament.

On August 18, Soto was forced to answer for the string of questions he had before assuming leadership of the Board of Directors. For example, having benefited from the so-called “impunity law” (for which he voted in favor) to avoid going to trial for alleged fraud in Cusco.

Also for having hired the sister of the mother of his youngest son in his parliamentary office.

On that occasion, the apepista said he was “the subject of a series of unfounded questions” and made public a letter, through which he violated the jurisdiction of the Ethics Commission. Months later, in this group, led by Congressman Diego Bazán (Avanza País), the man from Cusco would be shielded in all the investigations that were opened to him.

Read also: Shielding day in Congress: Who saved Alejandro Soto, Jorge Flores and Luis Cordero Jon Tay?

In the almost six months that he has led Congress, Soto has only given two interviews to national media, one to the Latina program “Punto Final” and another to Canal N. In the first, he said that he had a “fleeting” relationship. with the mother of his son, while in the other he fell into contradictions over whether or not he appealed to the “law of impunity” to not go to oral trial.

Four days following his only and last press conference, the congressman from Alliance for Progress, in statements to RTV EL Diario of Cusco, attacked the Lima journalists, whom he accused of launching a campaign to discredit him.

“They are wrong regarding me because I have little or no interest in what they say. Journalists do not vote in the Congress of the Republic,” she added on that occasion.

Soto has chosen to respond to criticism of his administration in Parliament through his social networks and communications.

Read also: Fact-checking: the false statements of the president of Congress regarding his process for fraud

In This following not having put up for debate the motion of the celestial bench that sought to dismiss the seven members of that body.

“I understand that desperation and frustration sometimes cloud ideas, dear congressman. [Muñante]. However, as president of Congress, the only thing I have always done is to ensure that due process is respected in all plenary sessions and the JNJ is no exception,” he wrote.

The president of Parliament has not responded for the extraordinary bonuses granted in November by the institution he directs, nor for the controversial autographs approved at the close of the legislature, such as the one that limits effective collaboration, the one that eliminates the STEP, the extension to the 2025 for teachers to obtain their master’s degree to continue teaching at universities, among others.

Soto has also remained silent due to the controversy that arose around the modifications to the Forestry and Wildlife Law.

This was promulgated on Thursday, January 11, by Parliament – with the signatures of him and the second vice president of that power of the State, Waldemar Cerrón (Perú Libre) – despite having two requests for reconsideration that were not voted on.

To the Congress channel, yes

Soto, in contrast, has offered statements to the Congress Channel, whose reporters accompany him to his week-long representation activities, especially in Cusco.

On December 19, the president of Parliament carried out inspection actions at the rural police station of the National Police in Huaro (Cusco).

“If we demand more and better work from the Police, we must also give them the instruments to combat crime and delinquency,” he said to the cameras of his institution’s channel.

In his first activity this year, Soto participated in the beginning of the judicial year in the Imperial City.

In his speech, he criticized that the national authorities have centralized these types of ceremonies in Lima. “The representatives of the powers of the State always resort to Lima centralism, as a Cusco and provincial citizen I have accepted the invitation, it is a pleasure to come to my land,” he expressed.

Upon entering and leaving the Superior Court of Justice of Cusco, the apepista was botched.

Most of Soto’s activities in Cusco and other regions when he completes his week of representation are closed. That is, it does not give you access to the local press so that they can ask you questions.

A passage to avoid the press

Other sources close to the Board of Directors told this newspaper that the APP parliamentarian has found a way to avoid the press gathered in the Hall of the Lost Steps: he enters through a side door, located on Simón Rodríguez street. This access connects to a passage that leads directly to the Presidency of Congress, where there are several offices.

The same sources have reported that throughout these last few months, Soto was recommended to provide interviews and also hold a press conference where he offered an assessment of the legislature that concluded in the fortnight of December. But Sandra Rodríguez, his main advisor, would have blocked these initiatives.

Read also: Alejandro Soto: the arguments that were left aside to shield him from the “troll center” in his office

Rodríguez – according to the program “Cuarto Poder” – was one of Soto’s advisors who coordinated the attack on other Cuarto congressmen on social networks, through false accounts.

Soto even, according to the same El Comercio sources, in meetings with congressmen from different groups, would have announced that, once he leaves the presidency of Congress, he will denounce all the media and journalists who have “defamed” him.

And accountability?

Journalist Mabel Huertas, an analyst for 50 plus 1, considered that not only in the Government Palace is there a “lack of leadership” in President Dina Boluarte, but also in Congress with Soto’s attitude. “We are navigating turbulent waters without a captain. Why doesn’t he declare to the press? The most accurate thing is because he has many questions. And also because he has had a terrible management of Parliament, he did not have a prioritized agenda,” she added.

In communication with El Comercio, Huertas maintained that the criticism of Soto now is not only for the complaints he was dragging, but also for his handling of Congress.

“There are a series of questions regarding his administration, Parliament fails to empathize with citizens, because they do not even try not to use State resources.” [en compras y bonos] when the country is in recession,” he added.

Huertas said that public officials, especially those who have been elected by popular vote, forget that in democracy they are accountable.

“We need them to be held accountable, to communicate with citizens and not only through statements, it is a shame and a shame that we have authorities who do not want to be questioned,” he said.

Read also: Alejandro Soto’s management limits the right to access public information

Political analyst Jeffrey Radzinsky considered that Soto’s silence is related to the fact that initially, following his election as president of Congress, he faced a series of complaints.

“My feeling is that in reality he has spoken little regarding programmatic and political issues, his [pocas] appearances were more linked to that defense [de su figura ante acusaciones]”, he stated.

In dialogue with this newspaper, he also indicated that the alliance that led Soto to lead the Board of Directors has been fragmenting and “the last episode has been the issue of the National Board of Justice.”

The GFP director also maintained that politicians have “the obligation to be accountable,” because this is an act “inherent” to their function and positions.

“It is unsatisfactory and criticizable that high authorities are not held accountable by responding to journalists, who are the ones who communicate to citizens, and this is valid for a president of the Republic, ministers, but also congressmen and other authorities. What it shows [la actitud de Soto] It is the low level we have,” he concluded.

Read also: Official appointed in Alejandro Soto’s management and linked to APP paved the way for his shielding

More information

Before assuming the presidency of Congress, Soto filed 14 complaints once morest journalists from the city of Cusco.

The APP parliamentarian voted in favor of the so-called “gag law” in the first vote. He later rectified and filed the ruling that proposed increasing the penalty for defamation.

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