Governor calls for reflection on cultural identity – news

The governor of the province of Huambo, Lotti Nolika, called, this Monday, for reflection on traditions, beliefs, customs and countless rituals that characterize and allow everyone to express the most beautiful idiosyncrasy.

In a message distributed to ANGOP, on the occasion of National Culture Day, which was marked yesterday under the motto “United in Diversity”, the government official urges the population of Huambo to embark on the great journey of promoting and disseminating Angolan cultural diversity.

According to Lotti Nolika, culture is not just a historical landmark, it is the living testimony of the trajectory of the Angolan people and, at the same time, the essence of the identity woven in the artistic-cultural movements that played a crucial role in the achievement of national independence, for in addition to being the explosion of colors that preserves, protects and exalts the strength of the country’s cultural matrix.

He recognized the commitment of cultural agents involved in the most diverse living forces of society who, despite adversities, do everything to keep the flame of national culture alive.

In this sense, he reaffirmed that the Government of Huambo will continue to honor the unique traditions, languages ​​and artistic expression, in order to strengthen every day the ties that unite Angola as a Nation and ensure that future generations can inherit an incomparable cultural wealth.

He added that government authorities will continue to dedicate renewed efforts to rescuing the noblest moral and civic values, building a lasting legacy of prosperity and cohesion, in addition to continuing to promote mutual understanding, respect and appreciation of the differences that enrich the mosaic culture of Angola.

The anniversary, National Culture Day, was established in 1986, in honor of the speech given by the first Angolan president and founder of the nation, António Agostinho Neto, on the occasion of the inauguration of the managing bodies of the Union of Angolan Writers (UEA).



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