International Support for Noboa Government in Ecuador: Statements from Global Leaders

2024-01-10 22:01:00

Several international leaders expressed their repudiation of the violence in Ecuador and expressed their support for the Noboa Government.

The Spanish Embassy in Quito condemned the violent acts in Ecuador through X, formerly Twitter, this Wednesday and expressed solidarity with the victims.

“We condemn the violent acts of recent days committed by criminal groups and we stand in solidarity with the victims. We support the democratic institutions of Ecuador to restore normality in the lives of the brother Ecuadorian people.”

The president of Panama also expressed his solidarity with Ecuadorians.

“By expressing our solidarity with the Government of President @DanielNoboaOk, we regret the events that have occurred and that compromise stability and the rule of law in this brother country.”

The Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, also expressed his support for Daniel Noboa’s decision to declare a state of emergency.

“We convey our support for the provisional emergency measures taken by President Daniel Noboa. The fight once morest organized crime and delinquency within the framework of citizen rights is fundamental in the region. The control of detention centers by of the State security forces is essential. Ecuador can count on the work of the General Secretariat of the OAS in its efforts for security in the country.”

From Israel, the vice president of Ecuador, Verónica Abad, supports Daniel Noboa’s decision to declare internal armed conflict.

For its part, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights also spoke out regarding the violence in Ecuador.

“#Ecuador: #IACHR condemns the acts of violence in prisons, the attacks with explosives and all the planned actions of organized crime; it calls for a diligent investigation of the events. At the same time, it reports that it continues to monitor the human rights situation during the validity of the state of emergency decreed on January 8 and extended on January 9. The action of the armed forces in internal security tasks must be extraordinary, justified, exceptional, temporary, restricted, subordinate and complementary to the civil forces, with regulation and control. #HumanRights”

Ambassador Brian A. Nichols said on with the president”.

Brian A. Nichols

The president of the Dominican Republic, Luis Abinader, rejected the acts of violence and offered support to President Daniel Noboa

“As President of the Dominican Republic, I reject acts of violence once morest the Ecuadorian people and firmly support President @DanielNoboaOk in his efforts to preserve the security of citizens, the rule of law and the democratic order in Ecuador #SolidaridadEcuador.”

The Government of Argentina supported that of Ecuador in its fight once morest crime. In a statement published in X, he said that until now he has no reports of Argentine citizens affected by the situation of violence and recommended that they remain under protection.

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