Discover the Effects of Alcohol on Your Skin: Tips for Healthier, Clearer Skin

2024-01-10 21:00:00

Could sobriety be our skin’s best ally? If the consequences of alcohol on the body are no secret, its effects on the quality of our epidermis should not be neglected.

In the columns of HuffPostdermatologists lay out four damages that might give you the motivation to extend your “Dry January.”

1. Dehydrated skin

Alcohol is diuretic, meaning it increases your urinary secretion, and by extension dehydrates your body more quickly than if you didn’t drink it. The dermatologist Teo Soleymani explains that if you suffer from dehydration, “one of the first places you will see it will be on your skin”. Concretely, dehydrated skin will more clearly mark certain facial features such as wrinkles and dark circles. This glass less might then prove to be just as effective as a hydrating serum – and less expensive.

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2. Reddened skin

Among the immediate visual effects of alcohol, there is of course reddening of the skin. This color might seem harmless, but it is actually the result of the dilation of your blood vessels. This increases the risk of irritation by creating a pro-inflammatory environment that threatens to aggravate underlying skin problems such as eczema, rosacea, acne or psoriasis. As a bonus gift, it contributes to premature aging of the skin.

3. Aging skin

If you are concerned regarding the youthfulness of your skin, it is likely that you have already dedicated a (considerable) part of your budget to collagen care, such as sunscreen, retinoids or products rich in vitamin C. Lack of Luckily, alcohol also has the effect of destroying these efforts. As an inflammatory substance, it can lead to the breakdown of collagen and elastic fibers that support the skin. Additionally, alcohol affects your antioxidant capabilities, making the skin more vulnerable to damage from UV rays.

4. Alcohol, the enemy of dermatological treatments

Finally, alcohol can complicate dermatological treatments and procedures. Dr. Soleymani says it is a mild anticoagulant; for this reason, he recommends to his patients “not to drink several days before an operation and not to drink the week following the operation in order to avoid any bleeding”.

According to the doctor Ahuva Cices, “There is no minimum amount of alcohol that will not cause you any trouble”. However, it is especially regular and uncontrolled consumption that presents the greatest risk of causing real damage. In other words, occasional alcohol consumption shouldn’t ruin all your efforts to maintain healthy skin. In the event that excess alcohol has crept into your end-of-year celebrations, Dr. Cices reassures you that everything is not irreversible: “the negative effects can be reversed by taking an extended break from alcohol”like… “Dry January”.

#Alcohol #damage #skin



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