Producer leaves exclusivity about Rui Mingas’ show – news

The event production company “Nova Energia” decided to give up its exclusive right to broadcast the show “Cantar Ruy Mingas 8.0”, to allow its free transmission on the four existing television channels in Angola

In a press release distributed this Sunday, in Luanda, the event promoter granted the right to broadcast the show in question to the national television channels ZAP TV, TPA, TV Zimbo and Girassol.

The note states that, “for Angolanity”, Nova Energia decided not to have exclusivity over the broadcast, “so that all Angolans can celebrate Ruy Mingas’ musicality together”.

The company recalls that “Cantar Ruy Mingas” was a tribute show held on April 27, 2019, as part of its “Show of the Month” project, in which several artists celebrated the 80th birthday of the Angolan nationalist, singer and composer Rui Mingas.

Rui Mingas passed away, last Thursday, in Lisbon (Portugal), a victim of illness, at the age of 84. One of the authors of the lyrics of the National Anthem of Angola, together with the writer Manuel Rui Monteiro, he actively participated in the process that culminated in Angola’s independence, on November 11, 1975.

Politician, diplomat, businessman and composer, among other skills, Rui Mingas was born on May 12, 1939 and also distinguished himself in sport, particularly athletics, before becoming Secretary of State for Physical Education and Sports.

His wake has been open since the morning of this Sunday, the 7th, at his residence, on Rua Cabral Moncada, in Luanda, according to a statement from his family.

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