Revolutionary Breakthrough: Scientists Create Tiny Human Brain Tissue Organoids In The Womb

2024-01-10 07:04:21

Scientists have created a tiny brain for the first time in history using “human fetal brain tissue” in the womb. This grain-sized group of cells might have a major impact on medical research.

Tiny brain – Even though brain cells are created many times But no brain has ever been created from real human brain tissue. This is the first time in the world that scientists have succeeded in growing one. ‘Organoids’ are 3D model cells that are grown in a laboratory. according to the definition of the National Science Museum of Thailand)

It’s a ‘mini brain’ or a tiny brain that arises from human brain tissue itself. Arranges itself into complex 3D structures. There are many types of cells. Responds well to stimulation from various molecules. and does an excellent job of imitating the brain According to a new report published in the journal Cell.

“Previously, we were able to obtain organoids from most human organs. But not from the brain It is very exciting to now be able to jump such a barrier,” said co-senior author Dr. Hans Clevers. and Professor of Medicine from Utrench University in the Netherlands said

Therefore, “These fetal tissue-derived organoids might provide new insights into how brain regions shape and shape cellular diversity,” Delilah Hendricks said. Delilah Hendriks from the Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology in the Netherlands added.

Researchers collected brain tissue samples from fetuses that died at approximately 12 to 15 weeks of gestation. The donors requested anonymity. But he gave his full consent to use this tissue in research and organ development. When you get the sample The team separated each piece of tissue into small dishes. This will provide specific nutrients and growth factors.

Each sample is continuously shaken to ensure that all cells within are exposed to food or chemical molecules. At first, they showed no signs of forming anything. But following four to eight days, the researchers observed ‘orderly 3D structures’ that then matured into complex tissue-like organoids.

It is a brain as small as a grain of rice that is made up of many different cell types, including neural precursor cells called outer radial glia, which go on to develop into other nerve cells. It also produces its own extracellular protein matrix. It acts as a structure and supports the 3D organization of the cell clusters. This will help scientists study further. How does the cell’s environment influence its development?

At the same time, the minibrain also has tissues that are certain brain types, such as the forebrain. which still maintains the specific structure of that part of the brain and responds to specific signaling molecules involved in brain development. The team also tested for brain cancer. which provides many interesting information in many aspects

In this experiment This mini-brain will grow for six months, and scientists hope to be able to glean as much knowledge as possible. This includes testing the safety and effectiveness of drugs on the brain. This research can be extended to many other fields of study. Even ethically as well.

“Being able to grow continuously and brain organoids from fetal tissue can be used This means we can learn as much as possible from this precious material,” Hendricks said. “We are excited to explore the use of these new tissue organoids for new discoveries regarding the human brain”

Searched and edited by Witit Borompichaichartkul


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