Emergency Aid Package for Holy Land Christian Communities: Fighting for Survival and Education Opportunities

2024-01-10 14:44:09

The war left deep scars on the Christian communities of the Holy Land. In a press release issued on Wednesday, the pontifical charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) announced a second emergency aid package to assist Christians who have lost their livelihoods due to the ongoing fighting in the Gaza Strip.

According to the statement, the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem will receive a generous donation of 500,000 euros, bringing total support since fighting began last October to almost 700,000 euros. Of this, 300,000 euros are earmarked for supporting the approximately one thousand Christians who still live in the Gaza Strip. The remaining amount will be used for Christian families in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Fighting for their existence

The Christian community in the Holy Land, particularly active in the tourism sector, is suffering from the effects of the cancellation of pilgrimages. In addition to financial support, the emergency aid package also includes life-saving medication, food vouchers and help with school and college fees and housing costs. “Since the beginning of this war, we have told our partners on the ground in the Holy Land that we will not abandon them, either materially or spiritually; and we want to keep this promise,” emphasized Marco Mencaglia, project director at “Aid to the Church in Need”.

Education as a perspective

About 45,000 Christians in the West Bank and 10,000 in East Jerusalem are affected by the effects of the war. The emergency aid package aims to counteract a possible exodus of Christians by not only offering short-term financial support, but also creating long-term prospects through education and professional qualifications. ACN will also support training programs that provide young Christians with new professional skills and improve their employment opportunities. Additionally, support is offered in setting up your own company. This is to prevent them from emigrating.

(pm- sb)

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