Meta Restricts Underage Access to Sensitive Content on Facebook and Instagram

2024-01-09 17:59:32

Underage Facebook and Instagram users’ access to content discussing themes such as eating disorders, suicide and self-harm will be drastically reduced in the future, announced Metathe parent company of these two social networks, Tuesday January 9.

The new rules now provide that content of this type will be automatically hidden in search and news feeds. Their visibility was already limited for underage users on both platforms, but they might still appear in their feeds, such as when shared by someone an underage user follows. Searches for keywords related to these topics will now automatically redirect Internet users under 18 to specific prevention pages.

Similar measures have already been in place for over a year for all accounts newly created by teenagers, but Meta will now apply the same authority rules to all its users under 18 years old.

Simplified configuration of privacy options

The two social networks will also send regular notifications to all their minor users to encourage them to check their privacy settings, the company announced. All you need to do is tap a button to activate a protective mode, greatly limiting access to content or interaction with the user, explains Meta.

The group is currently the subject of an investigation launched by several dozen American state prosecutors, focusing in particular on how it may have sought to attract minors under the age of 13 to its platforms, and have resorted to unfair methods to hold these users captive. The company disputes both points.

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