Irregular Acquisition Scandal Involving Head of Joint Armed Forces Command David Ojeda Parra – Infobae Investigation

2024-01-09 12:40:00
Head of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces, David Ojeda Parra, has been involved in an irregular acquisition process that was finally annulled. Infobae composition.

A document issued by the Comptroller General of the Republic indicated irregularities in the purchase of armored vehicles, in which studies indicate that the main beneficiary would be David Ojeda Parra, who recently took over as Head of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces. The supervisory institution highlighted that the institution in charge of selecting the supplier of these cars “did not perform its functions with transparency.”

The report of said institution was initially reported by journalist Ángel Páez, who warned of a series of irregularities regarding the process that the Army Technical Operational Study Commission (CETO) had deployed for the acquisition of 30 units of ARMA armored vehicles, for the that the Turkish company Otokar proposed at the time.

However, a series of reports prepared by the press man detailed that David Ojeda Parra had “sent the CETO documentation requesting the purchase of the Turkish Otokar model” to the Armed Forces Purchasing Agency (ACFFAA); the same one that initially decided to “reject the proposal because it exceeded the assigned budget of $60,000” in addition to presenting “anomalies in the selection process.”

Purchase of armored vehicles generated controversies between the head of the Army, David Ojeda (right), and the head of the Purchasing Agency of the Armed Forces, Manuel Váscones (left) – Credit: Composition ]Infobae Perú

According to the ACFFAA, the initial file in which the Chief of the Joint Command requested the hiring was returned “because it was found that several companies had complained because they never received answers to the questions they asked regarding the process,” and even in the words of Páez “ “The competitors noticed that the Army’s CETO was guiding the selection of the armored model in favor of the offer from the Turkish Otokar.”

This precision was endorsed by the report of the Institutional Control Body of the Army assigned to the Comptroller’s Office which detailed that “the CETO would not have clearly evaluated the proposal of the company that occupied the first place of priority (Otokar); regarding the maximum permissible limits of atmospheric emissions and technical and/or commercial guarantee, which differ from the minimum technical requirements requested (…), (so) it should not have been admitted.”

As if this fact were not enough, this procurement attempt exceeded the budget that the Ministry of Defense had provided for the Army. Initially, it was considered that the maximum amount to be spent for the acquisition of these vehicles was US$60,000,000; However, the final acquisition of these 30 armored vehicles would end up costing the Peruvian State a total of US$64,625,605.

The ARMA is an all-terrain Infantry combat vehicle, with autonomy to travel on land and water. In its body it can integrate all small, medium and large caliber weapons and systems such as 105 mm cannons, as well as different air defense, anti-tank and mortar weapons. | Military Information and Technology

According to Páez’s investigation, the direct responsibility for this questioned tender now ratified with the documents of the Comptroller’s Office would fall on the Army Division General, David Ojeda Parra, who would have pressured the ACFFAA “to proceed with the purchase of the armored vehicles.” ”.

In his reports, he detailed that on March 17, 2023, Ojeda himself appointed the members of the Army’s Operational Technical Study Commission. He left Julio Ruiz Juárez as president of said organization, so that he might decide the choice of the model; who finally opted for the company that Ojeda Parra requested to attend.

Finally, the irregularity was recorded by the Comptroller’s Office, which only recommended that the Commander General of the Army “adopt the actions that correspond within the scope of his powers in order to address or overcome the fact as an indication of irregularity and, if applicable, order the “delimitation of responsibilities that corresponds.”

Otokar’s ARMA 8×8 vehicle is characterized by its modular design and its adaptability for various military operations, such as troop transfer and infantry combat operations. It has a monocoque structure that gives it the ability to float, moving up to 9 km/h in aquatic environments. Its wingspan of 8x3x2.45 meters allows it to transport up to 40 tons, including ten rifles and two operators.

It has a 720 HP propeller, which allows it to reach speeds of up to 100 km/h and overcome complex terrain. It is equipped with cutting-edge technology, providing a comfortable environment for its occupants and can be equipped with a wide range of weapons, from portable weapons to 120 mm cannons, making it a mobile and efficient solution for defense.

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