Heartburn: what to do?

2024-01-09 09:45:00

At the time of the digestion, the acidic contents of the stomach rise up along the esophagus, giving unpleasant burning sensations in the process. These sometimes remain localized in the stomach. The phenomenon may be occasional, but in 10% of the French population, this « reflux » settles over time. Other symptoms may then appear such as tooth erosion, frequent throat clearing, repeated laryngitis, coughing, chest pain, etc.

It is as if the lining of the esophagus lost its natural resistance under the effect of oxidative stress, inflammation and poor functioning of the ‘valve’ which is located between the esophagus and the stomach. , explains Dr. Martine Cotinat, gastroenterologist.

What to eat and drink when you have heartburn?

In case of heartburn, Dr. Cotinat (gastroenterologist) recommendsadapt your diet, which she considers more effective than medication.

“We obtain a disappearance or even an improvement of heartburn in one to four weeks,” she assures. “Nothing is forbidden, it’s about strengthening the resistance of the mucous membrane by avoiding excessively increasing the pressure on the stomach. She recommends eat foods rich in antioxidants (vegetables, fruits, sprouted seeds, etc.) and chew for a long time. In the evening, eat a light dinner and avoid excess fluids. Favor steam cooking and limit frying and barbecues. And no more than two dairy products per day.

Certain foods to consume without moderation

Certain foods can be eaten as desired:

Of the vegetables raw or cooked with each meal; fruits, rather between meals; poisson, boiled or steamed.

What to drink? Mineral waters rich in sodium bicarbonate (Vichy, Quézac, etc.) can help. Avoid sodas, carbonated or acidic drinks and alcohol, which increase acidity in the stomach. Excessive coffee consumption also promotes heartburn.

How to relieve heartburn naturally?

Clay, chamomile, licorice or even lithothamne powder can act as gastric dressings.

L’clay, green or white, lines the stomach and acts as a natural gastric dressing; lithothamne powder : rich in calcium carbonate, lithothamne helps neutralize gastric acidity; baking soda also helps neutralize acidity in the stomach. It is advisable to consult your doctor before using baking soda regularly ;Certain plants are useful against stomach upset: mauve is particularly recognized in cases of intestinal problems, the root of licorice is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, chamomile, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory, helps reduce stomach acid; Some essential oils (HE) can be useful. We think in particular of the essential oils of basil or of pepper mint which act on the digestive system, or even Roman or noble chamomile EO, if heartburn is related to stress or nervousness.

What medications against acid reflux?

Some drugs act against heartburn.

THE gastric dressings are suitable in case of occasional symptoms (less than once a week). They provide quick and temporary relief for occasional heartburn but their duration of action is short. Many of them are sodium bicarbonate medications.

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If the pain is frequentantisecretory drugs, called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), are to be preferred: a single daily dose is enough to effectively block acidity. But it is not recommended to take it for more than fifteen days without medical advice.

These medications are available without a prescription, with advice from the pharmacist. Consult a doctor if there is no improvement in the days following treatment.

Pregnancy and heartburn

Proton pump inhibitor medications can be taken during pregnancy if the reflux and burning are very bothersome, but It is imperative to consult your doctor first. Generally speaking, it is best to avoid taking medications by a pregnant woman. Other solutions exist to limit the risk of gastric reflux while pregnant.

What other remedies or solutions to calm them down?

If you suffer from heartburn, some tips can help prevent it or limit its occurrence:

Pay attention to your posture after eating: when you are standing, you avoid leaning forward, and when you are lying down, you raise your head slightly, with the help of a pillow for example. When taking a nap, it is best to rest in a seated position;Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight at the level of the abdomen;Avoid taking anti-inflammatory medicationswhich promote heartburn;Avoid smoking: tobacco is a significant risk factor for heartburn;Control your weight : Overweight and obesity are a major risk factor for heartburn.

GERD (gastroesophageal reflux): when heartburn is regular

When gastric juices regularly flow back into the esophagus, it is called gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. In this case, gastric juices may cause inflammation, called “reflux esophagitis,” and eventually a stomach ulcer. This is why, if heartburn persistent despite treatments and prevention adviceit’s better to to consult a doctor to rule out a more serious pathology.


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