The Rise and Fall of a Successful Doctor: From Wall Street to Homelessness

2024-01-09 01:47:59

Grandson once studied in the United States for a doctorate and earned nearly 5 million a year in a successful life, but now he is homeless on the streets of New York. (Composite picture/Photo taken from Weibo)

A doctor from Fudan University who was recently found living on the street once worked on Wall Street and earned nearly NT$5 million a year. However, due to various reasons, he has been living on the streets for 16 years. Recently, photos of him when he was young were unearthed, surprising many netizens, and he is not inferior to current stars.

According to Chinese media reports, the 54-year-old street dweller surnamed Sun is from Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province. He is also a U.S. citizen and said he graduated from Fudan University. Sun Nan was once in the winning group that everyone envied. Not only was he selected to study for a Ph.D. in the United States, he also worked on Wall Street following graduation, earning a high salary of US$150,000 (approximately NT$4.68 million) per year. Later, he successfully obtained US citizenship and also Got a wife.

Recently, mainland media reported that Sun Nan said in an interview with self-media that in the 1990s, he met a mainland woman in New York with a daughter by his side. However, the woman was very good to him, so the two slowly began to get along. I fell in love and later decided to get married.

Suspected photos of Sun Nan when he was young were found, and netizens expressed that he was quite handsome when he was young. (Picture/Photo taken from Weibo)

Unexpectedly, the woman divorced her grandson following getting a green card through marriage, and he was hit hard because of this. His work and life might not go on normally, and his interpersonal relationships also had problems. “I started to have auditory hallucinations and mightn’t distinguish between reality and fiction. I gradually deviated from my normal life and started wandering.”

Sun Nan said that he suffered from hallucinations and depression, and was unable to distinguish between reality and fiction. As a result, he not only lost his job, divorced his wife, but also began to wander on the streets of New York in 2007. It has been 16 years since then. However, some netizens who claimed to know Sun Nan said that this was all because Sun Nan had a bad gambling habit and took flights to Las Vegas every week to gamble, which led to him losing all his wealth, losing his job, and even his wife. Also ran away.

Recently, photos suspected to be of Sun Nan when he was young have also been uncovered. Many mainland netizens said that Sun Nan looked quite handsome when he was young. Some people thought that he was definitely a “little fresh meat” at the time. “Now his eyes are also different.” Very clear”, “This kind of person should be simple and not very lucky”, “God gave him the best cards, intelligence, appearance, and opportunities, but he took them all away”, “Bigger than now Some celebrities are handsome.” Compared with the past when he was young, Sun Nan’s current experience makes everyone sigh.

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