2024-01-08 16:00:47
Sheathing is life. No need to convince yourself on this point anymore!
And the best-known core exercise remains the static frontal plank.
But a problem arises: some people encounter limiting factors when carrying out the classic sheathing.
Generally, it is the shoulders that heat up more than the center of the body or the lower back that pull…
The most famous solution: doing the front plank on your knees.
However, the demand on the center of the body is less…
Here are 7 alternatives to classic sheathing that you can do if the latter proves too complicated.
1/ The plank on the hands
The hand plank is an isometric type exercise, it mightn’t be simpler!
This very simple variation of the traditional plank has the same objective: to strengthen the center of the body including the abdominals.
Execution :
- Get into a plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your toes on the floor.
- Keep your arms straight, creating a straight line from head to toe.
- Maintain the position by contracting your abdominal, gluteal and back muscles.
- Remember to tighten your shoulder blades and not bulge your upper back.
- Also avoid arching your back and make sure to keep a good distribution of weight on the hands to avoid overloading your wrists.
If it’s too easy, nothing stops you from adding difficulty by lifting a foot or an arm, or even a foot and an opposite arm at the same time!
Read also: 5 mistakes that make core training an exercise at best ineffective, at worst dangerous
2/ Dolphin pose
Dolphin pose is basically a variation of the yoga posture called the downward facing dog and remains very effective in strengthening the center of the body.
Execution :
- Imagine you want to form an inverted V. Get into a plank position: hands under your shoulders, toes on the floor, and body aligned.
- From this position, lower your forearms to the floor while keeping your elbows under your shoulders. Toes stay on the ground and glutes rise upward to form an inverted V.
- Be careful not to exaggerately arch or arch your back.
- Also remember to distribute the weight evenly between the arms and legs to avoid overloading the shoulders.
To know everything: Are you tired of classic sheathing? Here is the dolphin plank, the unknown exercise yet more effective (and fun)
3/ Superman
The superman movement will be more of a core workout focused on the posterior chain: strengthening the back and glutes.
To learn more regarding superman sheathing.
It is important to provide lumbar support, so as not to create an imbalance of strength between the front and back of the body.
Over time, unpleasant back pain may appear.
Execution :
- Lie on the floor, face down, with your arms and legs extended.
- Simultaneously raise your arms, head and legs off the floor, contracting your back and gluteal muscles.
- Maintain this position while keeping the posterior muscles activated.
- Also remember to suction your navel.
- Look towards the ground so as not to pull on the neck and do not push beyond your limits to avoid muscle tension.
To find out everything: Do you want a superhero back and improve your posture? Discover the Superman exercise
4/ Hypopressive sheathing with force opposition
Hypopressive sheathing is a abdominal and postural strengthening technique which allows you to strengthen your abdominal muscles without constraints, thus limiting the risk of injury.
The shoulders and lower back are subject to very little stress unlike traditional sheathing.
Execution :
- Place yourself in an inverted chair position: lying on your back, knees bent 90° above the hips with feet raised.
- Then place your palms just below your knees. From this position, you will create a force opposition by pressing the hands on the thighs while trying to bring the legs towards your chest.
- The knees should remain above the hips. It is essential to contract the abdominal muscles by drawing the navel once morest the spine and engaging the posterior and anterior perineum.
- Keep your head on the ground.
You can also do it one leg following the other like at 1:40′ of the video above.
5/ Le hollow hold a.k.a la banane
The hollow hold is also called the banana hold, because the body will look like an upside-down banana!
Gymnasts and crossfitters use this type of core in their preparation.
Execution :
- Lie on your back with your legs straight. Start by keeping your arms alongside your body.
- Simultaneously lift your legs and upper body off the ground, forming an upside-down banana shape. The ankles must remain tight. Maintain this position by contracting your abdominals and keeping your breathing smooth.
- Protect your lower back by keeping it in contact with the ground and avoid putting too much force on the neck.
If you are comfortable, place your arms straight at ear level. If, on the contrary, the hollow hold is too difficult for you, bend your legs, arms alongside the body and straighten up more on your glutes.
To know everything: Goodbye flabby abs with the hollow body: this little-known exercise that surpasses core training
6/ The static bear
You may be familiar with the bear walk or the “bear crawl”.
This type of movement on all fours engages numerous muscle groups including the “core”.
The static bear is inspired by this except that you remain in isometry.
Execution :
- Get on all fours on the floor: knees below hips and shoulders above wrists.
- From this position, lift your knees slightly off the floor to create a straight line from your head to your glutes. The back must remain flat.
- Maintain this position, engaging your abdominal muscles as much as possible.
You will feel the abdominals but also potentially the shoulders, arms and thighs.
7/ The camel
Camel is a yoga posture that has many benefits: strengthening the lower back, quadriceps, glutes and of course the abdominals.
Beyond the sheathing, the camel brings many benefits.
Execution :
- Get on the floor on your knees.
- Place your hands on the heels. If it’s too complicated, you can place only one hand on the heel to perform the half-camel pose, or even position your hands on the lower back.
- From the chosen position, begin to tilt your torso back while moving your hips forward. The chest will open towards the sky.
- Be sure to keep your abdominals engaged and your glutes contracted to protect your lumbar and spine.
If you feel excessive tension in your lower back or neck, decrease the incline or place your hands on your lower back.
To know everything: Forget sheathing! Here is the inclined camel: an exercise that will strengthen your abs, thighs and glutes like never before!
Alternatives to core training: times, sets and recovery
These special replacement exercises for cladding and flat stomach are carried out without equipment, only with body weight.
The recommended holding time depends on each person.
Try to hold the positions for 30 seconds.
If this is too simple, increase the time gradually.
Potentially, you can achieve a work time of 2 minutes with practice!
Perform 4 sets of each exercise with 30 seconds of recovery between sets.
- The ideal would be to carry out three core sessions per week. You can choose between 2 and 3 exercises to perform in your session and leave a day of rest between sessions. Here is an example of a training plan:
- Monday: plank on the hands, hypopressive sheathing with opposition of force, camel
- Wednesday: the break of the dolphin, the superman
- Friday: the hollow hold, the static bear
And don’t forget for each exercise to apply the golden rule which is tosuck your navel as close to the spine as possible!
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