Public Housing Complaints: Tenant’s Disappointment and Renovation Issues in Yuen Chau Estate, Cheung Sha Wan

2024-01-07 12:55:12

After many years of waiting for public housing, the flat condition is not satisfactory? A public housing tenant complained in a letter that following being assigned a flat in Yuen Chau Estate, Cheung Sha Wan, the Housing Department took four weeks to restore it. However, following inspecting the unit, he found five major problems and criticized the unit as “worse” than Ching Shui House. However, some netizens To point out an important point, it is believed that it is the choice of the victim and not the responsibility of the Housing Department.

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The netizen said in the Facebook group last Thursday (4th) “Hong Kong Public Housing Forum“Posted in the post, stating that following being allocated a 1 to 2-person public housing unit in Yuen Chow Estate, Cheung Sha Wan, the Housing Department has spent four weeks restoring the unit. Last Wednesday (3rd), he went to the housing estate office to pick up the key and inspect the unit. Later, they were disappointed and criticized the Housing Department for still having five major problems following initially restoring the units.

1. There is no wooden door in the bathroom, only a venetian door.

2. The bathroom ceiling has cracks and dust

3. The door has uneven marks and is not treated.

4. Only holes will be repaired on the wall, no basic paint will be applied.

5. The paint on the new kitchen door is different, and the second-hand door should be treated as a new door.

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Regarding the fact that the Housing Department had spent four weeks restoring the flat, the victim said bluntly, “I had never thought regarding it. It really brings me knowledge. It turns out that the Housing Department restored the flat to this type. It was really eye-opening. It is even worse than Ching Shui House.” Ask netizens if they have the same situation,

“I don’t know, so I posted this to see if anyone is the same as me. Is this normal? Or is the Housing Department not doing anything?”

Netizen: Just restore it

However, following seeing the post, many netizens said that since the victim chose to receive the refurbishment subsidy, it is normal for the unit to be in this situation: “Restore is the same” and “Renovation is the same as restoration.” Some people said that they have been waiting for many years anyway. Don’t mind waiting for the Housing Department to renovate.

Later, the victim admitted that following the Housing Department spent 4 weeks on restoration, he said that it would take an additional 3 to 4 weeks for the engineering department to carry out repairs. In addition, the floor had to be renovated by the tenants themselves. “The Housing Department did not cover it.” “Subsidy” to renovate the unit by oneself, was immediately criticized by netizens for being “greedy”, saying, “If you choose it yourself, you have to scold the Housing Department and create trouble for the tenants.”

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Get subsidies for self-renovation

According to the Housing Authority, the “Vacant Flat Refurbishment Subsidy” scheme was launched in 1998 to provide tenants with the option of carrying out simple repair works themselves or choosing to have the HD’s renovation contractors carry out the work.

The “Vacant Unit Renovation Grant” is applicable to all vacant units that are less than 21 years old. To reflect the higher cost of simple maintenance works required for older units, units between 16 and 20 years old can receive a grant equal to 5 The renovation subsidy amount is one month’s rent; for units between 11 and 15 years old, the renovation subsidy amount is four months’ rent; for units that are 10 years old or below, the renovation subsidy amount is three months’ rent. .

If prospective tenants choose to renovate vacant units by themselves, in addition to receiving an ex-gratia subsidy, they can also move in two months earlier to reduce the vacancy rate of public housing. To ensure that the scheme is not abused, the Housing Department will not carry out minor repair works for tenants within one year following they choose to receive the renovation subsidy.

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