Ain Village Stream: A UNESCO World Heritage Site in Riyadh

2024-01-07 17:22:45

Riyadh- This stream in the Ain region is flowing from the hilly area and caressing the farmlands all year round. This small stream has been flowing for years in Ain village of Makwat district, 24 km from Albaha. The area is known as Ain, which means stream.
It is this stream that makes the soil fertile, where bananas, almonds, date palms, lemons, chilies etc. grow well. A fort built centuries ago and other remains were found here, where fresh water was freely available. After their restoration, the area has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The stream originates from a 20 cm wide hole at the foot of the hill on the eastern face of the heritage village. It reaches the plantations by flowing through channels carved into the rocks, two to three meters wide, between huge boulders.
There are certain conditions in Annad since ancient times for the use of stream water. A long rope is made from the fibers of the tree and oil or some fat is applied to it.

The rope is cut or tied and marked at the boundary of the agricultural land. Then light the fire. The water will be diverted to that farm till the fire reaches the particular dam.
If the fire reaches the dam, the water will be diverted to the next farm. Archeology department official Yahya Hussain said that this is how the locals used the water of this stream in the past.
Later water was distributed according to the sand clock installed in a part of the village. Chronologically the water was diverted according to the timing of the stars. With the advent of modern clocks, gardens are watered at 24-hour intervals. Water is now diverted from this stream into 12 areas namely Jahlan, Saeed, Abu Qood, Aldawahir, Alkhadran, Biladul Hussain, Qita’ Ajarim, Gammas, Ulaya, Rakib Alnakhla, Almahfoud and Saddul Asfal.
The fifty meter stream before reaching the farm is what attracts the visitors here. Here two small waterfalls have been prepared by making channels according to the flow of water. Both sides of the stream are paved with stones and now have seating and other facilities for visitors.

#Alba #Makwat #perennial #stream #Ain #area



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