2024 Income Tax Scale Revaluation and Filing Deadline Updates

2024-01-07 11:54:57

As indicated in the 2024 finance law, the income tax scale is increased by 4.8% for the current year. In total, more than 300,000 taxpayers are affected by this revaluation, indicates Bruno Le Maire.

The new scale applicable to 2023 income

In 2024, the salary not to be exceeded in order not to pay taxes is 11,294 euros for a single person and 22,588 euros for a couple without children. The new scale is therefore as follows:

  • Income up to €11,294: 0% tax rate
  • Income from €11,295 to €28,797: 11% tax rate
  • Income from €28,798 to €82,341: 30% tax rate
  • Income from €82,342 to €177,106: 41% tax rate
  • Income over €177,106: 45% tax rate

The specialized site MoneyVox recalls that this tax system operates in a “progressive” manner. This means that no taxpayer is subject to a tax rate of 45% on their entire income. Each income segment is subject to a specific rate. For example, a single individual (corresponding to 1 tax share) with a net taxable income of 50,000 euros is subject to a rate of 0% on the first 11,294 euros, to a rate of 11% on the income bracket between 11 295 and 28,797 euros, and at a rate of 30% on the portion exceeding 28,797 euros.

Who is affected by this revaluation?

In the event that the taxpayer has benefited from a salary increase at the same level as inflation, i.e. 4.8%, he will pay approximately the same amount of income taxes in 2024 as in 2023. In If the taxpayer’s salary remained stable between 2023 and 2024, he will pay less income tax, given that the majority of his salary would be taxable in the lowest income brackets. Finally, in the event that the taxpayer’s salary has fallen between 2023 and 2024, he will pay less in income taxes in 2024 than in 2023.

Deadline for filing taxes

For the 2023 tax year, the impots.gouv.fr site will open the reception of declarations from April 13. The online declaration must be made before May 25. Taxpayers residing in departments 01 (Ain) to 19 (Corrèze) are affected by this date, and before June 1 for departments 20 (Corsica) to 54 (Meurthe-et-Moselle), and before June 8 for departments 55 (Meuse) to 976 (Mayotte). For those who prefer to complete their declaration on paper, forms will be sent between April 6 and 25. However, the return must be made before May 22.

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