Cooking just one portion of this rice on the weekend is enough. You don’t need to prepare much to make it delicious and nutritious Life – Entertainment

2024-01-06 22:58:00


– 200g chicken breast or other chicken parts, half a carrot, 1 large potato, sliced ​​green onions and ginger, 1/3 box of curry.

– Cooking oil, soy sauce, sugar, salt just enough.


Peel potatoes and carrots, wash, and cut into even pieces.

Wash chicken breasts and cut them into bite-sized pieces. Marinate chicken with 1 teaspoon of cooking wine and salt to taste for 5 minutes.

Finely chop green onion heads. You can use leek onions which are also very fragrant.

Put a little cooking oil in the pan and heat it. Add the chicken breast and stir-fry quickly until the meat turns white, then add sliced ​​onions and ginger. Add 1 spoon of soy sauce, stir until fragrant.

Then add potatoes and carrots, stir well. Then add boiling water to cover the ingredients.

After adding water, don’t rush to add the curry, but cover the pot and boil first.

Take 1/3 of the curry box, use a knife to cut into small pieces.

When the water boils, add the curry and cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes.

Wait until the curry cubes are completely melted, stir again, then season to taste with salt if needed.

Note, when adding curry, remember to stir frequently so the sauce will thicken faster and not burn the pot. When the sauce reduces and becomes thick, turn off the stove.

Spread the rice onto a plate and scoop the chicken curry around for a delicious and attractive meal.

Good luck!

#Cooking #portion #rice #weekend #dont #prepare #delicious #nutritious #Life #Entertainment

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