Understanding and Preventing Urinary Tract Infections: Tips for Protection and Treatment

2024-01-06 13:25:27

Urinary tract infections are very common; Especially in women, infants and the elderly. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that regarding one in two women and one in 20 men will develop a urinary tract infection in their lifetime.

Kidney and bladder

The kidneys control the amount of water in the blood, and filter waste to form urine. Each kidney contains a tube called the ureter that connects the kidney to the bladder. Urine leaves the kidneys through the ureters and enters the bladder. The bladder is the organ responsible for signaling the desire to urinate, and urine exits the body through a tube called the urethra.

The urinary system is an elaborate design that reduces the risk of serious kidney infections by preventing urine from “backflowing” back into the kidneys from the bladder. Most cases of urinary tract infections are limited to the bladder, and although they cause symptoms, they are not serious or life-threatening.

The urinary bladder is usually a sterile environment that cleans itself regularly when we urinate. This mechanism helps prevent bacteria from causing infection and inflammation, just as the immune system does in our bodies when it prevents the spread of germs and bacteria in the body.

Urine infections occur when bacteria enter the bladder from the outside, through the urethra, and begin to multiply inside the urine. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) affect all parts of the urinary system, including the bladder (cystitis), urethra (urethritis), or kidneys (kidney infection). Urinary tract infections are treated with antibiotics, but they are not always needed.

Urinary infections

There are two types of infections that affect the urinary tract, the first of which is lower urinary tract infection or cystitis, which occurs when the infection affects the bladder and urethra. The second is upper urinary tract infection or pelvic nephritis, and this occurs when the infection spreads upward to reach one or both kidneys. Pelvic nephritis is more serious. Because it can cause kidney damage.

How is it verified whether the condition is, in fact, “urinary tract infection”?

First, a number of questions are asked regarding the medical history, then a urinalysis is performed, as well as a urine culture in the laboratory to determine the bacteria present in the urine, and then treatment is directed more precisely. However, it takes a few days for the results of the urine culture to appear, if an infection is suspected. In the upper urinary tract, ultrasound or

According to the British National Health Service (NHS), a urinary tract infection can be checked by the following symptoms:

• First – among young people:

– Pain or burning when urinating (dysuria).

– The need to urinate more than usual, especially during the night.

– The need to urinate suddenly or more urgently than usual.

– The urine appears cloudy, or there is blood in it.

– Pain in the lower abdomen or pain in the back, just under the ribs.

– High temperature, feeling hot and shivering, or temperature falling to less than 36 degrees Celsius.

– The urine may be dark or have a foul smell. If this is the only symptom, it may be due to not drinking enough water.

• Secondly – in children:

– There is a high temperature; The child feels hotter than usual in the neck, back, or abdomen.

– Looks generally ill. Infants and young children may be irritable, not feeding or not eating properly.

– He wets the bed or wets himself.

• Third: In the elderly, the weak, or people who have a urinary catheter:

For older and frail people with problems with memory, learning, and concentration (such as dementia), and people with a urinary catheter, symptoms of a UTI may also include:

– Behavior changes, such as acting agitated or confused (delirium).

Wetting themselves (urinary incontinence) which is worse than usual.

– New trembling or shaking in the body.

Causes of infections

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are usually caused by bacteria from stool that enters the urinary tract, taking bacteria through the tube that carries urine out of the body (urethra).

The most common type of bacteria that causes urinary tract infections is called Escherichia coli, an organism that normally lives in the intestines without causing any harm. However, these bacteria often remain around the anus following passing stool, and can move to the bladder.

Urinary tract infections are less common in men than in women; Because the urethra in men is longer than the urethra in women; This makes it more difficult for bacteria to pass into the bladder, and it is also rare in men under the age of 50.

In women, the urethra is shorter than in men, meaning bacteria are more likely to reach the bladder or kidneys and cause infection.

The risk of bacteria entering the bladder increases through sex, pregnancy, conditions that block the urinary tract, such as kidney stones, conditions that make it difficult to empty the bladder completely, such as an enlarged prostate in men, constipation in children, and a urinary catheter (a tube in the bladder used to drain urine).

It also occurs when there is a weakness in the immune system; For example in people with diabetes, or people undergoing chemotherapy. It also occurs when not drinking enough fluids, and not keeping the genital area clean and dry.

doctor consultation

You should visit a doctor when:

– Symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI) appear for the first time.

– Suffering from severe symptoms; Whether it is a child or young person, or the patient is pregnant, or the elderly and weak in body.

– Symptoms appear following surgery.

– Symptoms get worse or do not improve within two days.

– Return of symptoms following treatment.

The condition may be considered an emergency and urgent, and is potentially a serious kidney infection, which may cause sepsis in the following cases:

– Severe high temperature, or feeling hot and shivering.

– A severe drop in temperature to less than 36 degrees Celsius.

– Feeling confused or sleepy.

– Pain in the lower abdomen, back, or just under the ribs.

– Seeing blood in the urine.

Chronic urinary tract infection

In some people, the symptoms of a urinary tract infection may not go away, short-term antibiotics do not work for them, and urine tests do not show the presence of an infection, and here the most likely diagnosis is a urinary tract infection (chronic, long-term), and it is caused by the entry of bacteria into the lining of the bladder. . Chronic urinary tract infections have a significant impact on the quality of life, and require the intervention of a specialist doctor.

Because urine tests do not always detect infection, and symptoms can be similar to other conditions, chronic UTIs can be difficult to diagnose. Here the condition can be treated with antibiotics for a longer period.


• First – When a urinary tract infection is expected, treatment is carried out as follows:

– Providing self-care advice and recommending pain medication.

– Giving a prescription for a short course of antibiotics.

– It is important to take all prescribed medications, even if you feel better.

• Second: Treatment of recurrent urinary tract infections:

Here we mean the return of a urinary tract infection following treatment, or the occurrence of this infection twice within 6 months, so the following is done:

– Prescribing a different antibiotic, or prescribing a low dose antibiotic for up to 6 months.

– For women in menopause, a vaginal cream containing estrogen is prescribed.

– Further tests and treatments will be conducted by a specialist doctor.

• Third: Measures to relieve the symptoms of urinary tract infection:

– Take paracetamol tablets 4 times a day to relieve pain and high temperature.

– For children, they can be given liquid paracetamol.

– Rest and drink enough fluids until pale urine comes out regularly during the day.

– Avoid having sex.

Some people drink cranberry drinks and products daily to prevent urinary tract infections, which may help. But there is no evidence that they help relieve symptoms or treat a UTI if the infection has already begun.

– A clinical pharmacist can advise the patient on things that can help him improve, suggesting the best pain reliever to take, and whether the patient’s condition really warrants a visit to the doctor.

The most common causes are family, social, environmental, behavioral, and lack of public hygiene


How do you protect yourself from urinary tract infections?

• First – There are some things that can be tried to help prevent a urinary tract infection (UTI) or prevent it from returning, including:

– Wipe from front to back when finishing the toilet.

– Keep the genital area clean and dry.

– Drink plenty of fluids, especially water, so that you urinate regularly during the day and do not feel thirsty.

– For women, wash the skin around the vagina with water before and following sex.

– Urinate as soon as possible following sex for both spouses.

– Change diapers or incontinence pads immediately if they are dirty.

– Do not use scented soap.

– Do not hold in urine when you feel the need to urinate.

– Do not rush while urinating, and try to empty the bladder completely.

It is recommended not to wear tight synthetic underwear, such as nylon.

– Do not drink alcoholic beverages; Because it may irritate the bladder.

– Do not eat a lot of sugary foods or drinks; Because it may encourage bacteria to grow.

– Do not use condoms, vaginal diaphragms, or caps that contain sperm-killing lubricants. We recommend the opposite, i.e. using non-spermicidal lubricants, or using a different type of contraception.

• Secondly – There are other ways to prevent the return of urinary tract infections, including:

Use mannose sugar (D-mannose), which is in the form of powder or tablets that can be taken daily, as well as cranberry products, which are available in the form of juice, tablets, or capsules to take daily.

For a pregnant woman, she should consult her physician before consuming any mannose sugar or cranberries during pregnancy, as they contain a lot of sugar.

If you are taking warfarin, you should avoid cranberry products.

* Community medicine consultant

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