Summer Health Tips: Ministry of Health’s Prevention Measures to Enjoy the Season Safely

2024-01-05 19:13:50

The Ministry of Health recalled the main prevention measures to enjoy the summer without suffering the health problems characteristic of the season.

With the arrival of the warmer months, different health conditions with seasonal prevalence tend to increase, such as heat stroke and problems linked to sun exposure. In response to this situation, the Ministry of Health of Entre Ríos reminded us of the care and preventive measures.

In that sense, it was recommended to keep in mind that days with high temperatures and humidity can become a great health risk, especially for young girls and boys, and older adults. This is why to prevent heat stroke it is suggested to stay in cool, well-ventilated places, wear cotton clothing and maintain proper hydration.

In the case of older adults, what the Ministry suggests is that they drink water even if they are not thirsty; while in the case of children, the recommendation is that the responsible adult offer them liquids constantly, without waiting for the children to ask for it, and, in the case of infants, offer the breast more frequently.

You should also pay attention to symptoms of exhaustion due to high temperatures, which is a step prior to heat stroke. These symptoms are: tiredness or weakness; excessive sweating; feeling of suffocating heat and thirst; fever; muscle cramps; loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting; Headaches; irritability or inconsolable crying in the little ones; dizziness or fainting.

In the presence of these symptoms, the person should be moved to a cool and ventilated place; You should be offered cold water, with half a teaspoon of salt per liter, and it is also recommended that you take a shower. You should not take fever reducers and you should consult a health professional when faced with a condition of these characteristics.

Solar exposition
You should avoid the hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., as well as intense games and sports activities that cause excessive sweating. It is also advisable to use hats or caps with a visor, wet the head and parts of the body frequently and always use sunscreen, preferably factor 30 or higher, in exposed areas, and even on cloudy days. It is important to renew its application every two hours, or following getting into the water or sweating.

It must also be kept in mind that children under one year old should not be exposed to the sun directly and that, from six months onwards, sunscreen can be used for situations in which they are occasionally exposed. If a sunburn occurs, it is recommended to use cold compresses, administer fluids and consult the health system.

#Ministry #Health #recommendations #protect #health #heat #Health #Wellbeing



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