2024-01-05 10:25:54
January 5, 2024
This weekend will be marked by Epiphany, in other words, for many of us, the opportunity to enjoy king cakes which are often synonymous with calories. Which for dietician and culinary blogger Margaux Letort, should not make us forget the notion of pleasure.
Frangipane or brioche, “a pancake is necessarily high in calories”, Margaux Letort* explains to us. But there are “calories” and “calories”. The frangipane will be the most « riche ». With puff pastry, its mixture of pastry cream and almond cream (eggs, sugar, butter and almond powder), it is indeed very caloric. In total, a 100 g portion is 500 calories!
What do you think of the brioche pancake?
For Margaux Letort, the brioche pancake is much lower in calories, around 200 calories per 100 g. One of the reasons: brioche dough is lighter than puff pastry. However, it is better to be wary of certain elements added during assembly to make this type of cake more attractive. Even if it’s not huge, ” candied fruits are very sweet, it is better to choose fresh fruits. The sugar pearls also add quick sugars… ».
If you really feel guilty regarding eating pancakes…
Margaux Letort tempers: “ the number of calories depends on the quantity of filling: in fact some pancakes contain a lot of dough and little filling… Moreover, even if it remains made up of butter, sugar and eggs, start with a simple almond cream or hazelnuts (that is to say as in frangipane but without the pastry cream, editor’s note) will provide good fat and protein. Without forgetting that oleaginous fruits are rich in fiber, lower cholesterol levels and have a low glycemic index (GI). Finally, a dark chocolate pancake remains rich in magnesium which helps fight constipation. »
If you want to make the pancake even lighter, “ choose a version with fruit puree or fresh fruit for natural sugar and fiber. »
Forbid yourself nothing
Even if the pancakes can seem like calorie bombs, the dietician and food blogger reassures once once more. “ No food should be banned. » Because according to her, the notion of pleasure is closely linked to that of health. As long as it is part of a balanced diet and remains occasional. After all, the galette des rois is only once a year.
An advice : ” it is wise to measure the quantity consumed. We only serve one portion, not three. We also take into account what was eaten before. The ideal is to keep the pancake for a snack (and not for dessert) to split up the diet, not to bring too many calories during the same meal. Don’t forget to hydrate well (water, tea, coffee) to facilitate digestion. »
Where to buy your cake?
Last question: in the bakery or in the supermarket? For the dietitian, “ the bakery is preferred, ensuring that it is a product made on site and not defrosted. A frozen or vacuum-packed product will necessarily contain preservatives, colorings and other additives. Look carefully at the list of ingredients: the longer it is, the more elements will have been added. »
But for Margaux Letort, the ideal always remains “homemade”. “ You will choose the quantity of sugar and the quality of the ingredients at the same time. Pleasure of cooking, pleasure of eating and above all less expensive. »
*Author of the blog recipes100faim.fr
Source: Interview with Margaux Letort, dietician and culinary blogger in Nantes
Written by: Vincent Roche – Edited by: Emmanuel Ducreuzet
#Galette #des #rois #calories #pleasure #news