Understanding Climate Change and Weather Patterns in Luxembourg: From Snowfall to Long-Term Forecasts

2024-01-05 07:44:01

Concerning longer-term forecasts, the Luxembourg meteorologist cannot say more at the moment. A question currently arises: would the rain which is falling in abundance at the moment have been snow forty years ago? “Not particularly, emphasizes Denis Collard. We currently have rain at an average temperature of 8 degrees. If we remove the few degrees higher than we had a few decades ago, we still arrive at temperatures which are not conducive to not the snow. On the other hand, it is true that the snowy episode that we experienced a few weeks ago would undoubtedly have been more significant forty years ago. The snow will in any case be less frequent than in the past. .”

Furthermore, do you know this belief which says that the twelve days following Christmas predict the weather of the twelve months of the following year? The weather of December 25 would reflect the trend of January, that of December 26 would correspond to February and so on. “It remains a saying, there is nothing scientific regarding it,” assures Denis Collard. “We are not far from it sometimes but that has nothing to do with the saying.”

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