Death of a police officer in an operation against criminals leads to the preventive detention of six officers – news

The police preventively detained six agents who were involved in the operation, which led to the death of chief inspector Francisco Mango Calombo, carried out with the aim of dismantling a criminal network, in the neighborhood of Bela Vista Baixa, municipality of Benguela, on the day December 30th. In light of this, some National Police officers in Benguela are concerned about the lack of bulletproof vests

The National Police spokesperson, Superintendent Ernesto Tchiwale, confirms their preventive detention, but prefers not to go into details, citing judicial secrecy. “Suspicions surround the homicide. He was shot,” the person in charge responded, when questioned by Benguela radio.

The death of this officer from the Department of Criminal Investigation (DIIP) is revealing problems of insufficient bullet-proof vests for some police operations, especially when hunting criminals. Shocked by the officer’s murder which occurred at around 3pm, during an operation, by gunshot, the officers warn that no one should take part in similar actions without personal protective equipment.

Some employees of the corporation, in statements to news, clarified that, in many cases, agents are left to their own devices in deforestation operations of supposed groups of marginalized people. Under normal conditions, explains a National Police officer, no one should go to an operation without a bulletproof vest, but the lack of logistics has meant that agents are exposed to risk to their lives.

Speaking anonymously, for fear of suffering reprisal, an agent says it is imperative that the provincial MININT delegation in Benguela takes this matter to higher authorities, since, according to him, it appears incapable.

These days, the source maintains, some groups of alleged criminals are armed and, in the event of a shootout, police officers risk losing their lives. “We have no equipment, no bulletproof vests.

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Under normal conditions, my brother, no one would go out on the street without a bulletproof vest. Look, there are deaths that could be avoided, if this component was looked at”, laments an officer, for whom, like the Public Order, the SIC also experiences the same problem.

Information already confirmed by this newspaper with sources from that institution concerns the MININT Delegation. They talk about the lack of bulletproof vests and, as a result, they have been subject to some risks. “When you go to a neighborhood, it’s just you and God. Your family only knows that you left. There, you run serious risks, and vests are important.

In these 16 years of National Police, I don’t remember receiving a vest”, complains an agent. Contacted by this newspaper, in a short statement, Police spokesperson, Ernesto Tchiwale, clarified that the vests are mainly provided to agents involved in operations.

BY: Constantino Eduardo, in Benguela

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