Singapore’s Education System: A Model for Success – PISA 2022 Results

2024-01-04 21:28:59

The results of the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) 2022 survey, published last December, further confirmed Singapore as a “model country” in terms of education.

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As a reminder, PISA assesses, every three years, the academic performance of students aged 15 in three key areas: reading comprehension, mathematical literacy and scientific literacy, to determine their “ability to solve complex problems , think critically and communicate effectively. »

For 2022, around 700,000 students from 81 education systems in OECD and non-OECD countries took part in the assessment. Also note the participation of African countries such as Egypt, Ghana and Morocco.
Singapore obtained the best scores in all three areas: reading, mathematics and science and finally made everyone agree on the quality of its education system.

Already, its method of teaching mathematics (from “concrete, to “image” then to “abstract”) has now been adopted by more than 70 countries around the world. France, which has seen the level of its students in maths decline, has announced through its Minister of Education that it will in turn adopt this Singaporean method in a “progressive manner” from primary school onwards.
What is this so-called “secret” of Singapore?

Reading the publications and interviews on “the Singapore miracle”, it is impossible not to arrive at the conclusion which, for me, sums up all the success of the “City-State”, that: IN SINGAPORE, EDUCATION C’ IS SERIOUSLY, AN INVESTMENT!
A notable fact is the importance they attach to the quality of teachers. The State first started by making the profession very enviable.

Which attracts excellent candidates in terms of qualifications and above all love for the profession. Also, in addition to initial and continuing training, career prospects and professional development, the Singaporean teacher benefits from special recognition which translates into good salaries and respect.

The State goes so far as to mobilize media resources so that teachers enjoy the admiration and gratitude of citizens. History of recruiting and maintaining the best profiles in the system and avoiding the syndrome of the global shortage of teachers which plagues education, to the point of closing schools, in many Western countries.

This is confirmed by Pak Tee, Professor at the National Institute of Education at Nanyang University, during an interview published in the newspaper EL PAIS. “We have worked hard to make teaching a respectable profession. Teachers are the architects of the nation who help build our country. “As a teacher, you won’t be rich, but you are going to live comfortably.” It should be noted here that, for PISA, three factors were determining in the performance of students, including the social value of teachers as well as their level of remuneration.

Thus, from a poor country, Singapore has gone from being a rich and envied nation thanks to an efficient education system that produces quality human resources. Professor Pak Tee sums it up: “Our history begins in 1965 when we gained our independence…We had nothing else: no oil, no agriculture, no wood, no rubber. We only had human resources, and education is the great pillar of our national development. »

A way of paying tribute to the teachers of Senegal, while wishing them a very good academic year, full of success! To the Fastef B2 English 2015 promotion!

Saliou Yatt, English teacher at Dodel/Podor high school.

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