COVID January 2024: New JN.1 Variant Circulation and Anti-COVID Measures in France

2024-01-04 08:57:42

COVID JANUARY 2024. The circulation of the Covid virus is slightly decreasing at the start of the year, but the indicators remain high. The new JN.1 variant is increasingly detected.


No respite for the Covid which continues to circulate in France at the beginning of January 2024. In its bulletin of January 3, 2024, Public health France reports “a decrease in indicators in town and in hospital but circulation of SARS-CoV-2 always high“. This decrease during school holidays was observed in all age groups in town and in hospital, except among 0-4 year olds for whom a slight increase in hospitalizations was observed. The positivity rate was decreasing in town and at the hospital. The cause: low temperaturesl’increase in indoor gatherings and the circulation of new variant JN.1 (subvariant of Omicron) which represents 66% of infections in France.

Where is the Covid epidemic today?

Early January 2024the epidemic remains less severe than what we have previously known. The Covid indicators (positivity rate, hospitalization rate, etc.) are slightly decreasing in town and in the hospital but remain high levels. This reduction is observed in all age groups in town, and in hospital among those aged 0-4 and those aged 65 and over. Virological indicators from tests carried out in medical biology laboratories were decreasing in all age groups. Note that positive tests in pharmacies are no longer counted.

What variants are circulating at the moment?

The current situation in France is characterized by the parallel circulation of different sub-lineages of the Omicron variant, itself a variant of the original virus. The variant BA.2.86 (also called “Pirola”) is today the most detected in France with 77% interpretable sequences from the Flash survey of December 11 (compared to 71% for that of the previous week). Its increase is mainly driven by JN.1, sublineage of BA.2.86, which represented 66% interpretable sequences from the Flash investigation of December 11, 2023. Le variant EG.5 still represents 13% of the interpretable sequences from the Flash survey of December 11.

5 anti-Covid measures (still) in force

► It is recommended (but not obligatory as before) to isolate yourself if you are positive to Covid-19 and wear a mask in public spaces.

► It is recommended to wear a mask if you have symptoms evocative of Covid-19 or if we are a person at risk to develop a serious form of the disease in the event of infection, particularly in enclosed or densely populated places.

► The the elderly or presenting risk factors are called upon to be (re)vaccinate once morest COVID-19 and the flu, these vaccinations may be concomitant.

► Indoor air quality can be significantly improved by opening windows for at least 5 to 10 minutes per hour in private homes, in offices, collective catering places, etc.

► It is necessary maintain barrier gestures particularly in the event of a positive test and/or symptoms, in order to protect vulnerable people: regular hand washing, ventilation of enclosed spaces, wearing a mask in enclosed spaces conducive to gatherings (public transport for example).

What are the measures for Covid vaccination?

THE vaccinations once morest flu and Covid-19 are strongly recommended for people at risk of developing a serious form of these diseases:

  • All people aged 65 and over;
  • People over 6 months old with comorbidities (complicated blood pressure, heart, vascular, liver, kidney, lung problems, diabetes, obesity, cancers, transplant recipients, people with Down syndrome or psychiatric disorders or dementia);
  • Immunocompromised people;
  • Pregnant women ;
  • People living in close proximity to or in regular contact with immunocompromised or vulnerable people, including professionals in the health and medico-social sectors;
  • Residents in accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (EHPAD) and long-term care units (USLD).

The 2 injections (flu and Covid-19) can be performed on the same day, on 2 separate injection sites (the 2 arms for example). If the two vaccines are not administered at the same time, there is no time limit between the two vaccinations.

What are the current measures regarding Covid isolation?

“Infected people are recommended to isolate themselves and of wear a mask if they need to go to a public placeadvised the president of Covars Brigitte Autran in August 2023 in Libération. Isolation is no longer compulsory since February 1, 2023 but it is recommended by the health authorities if you test positive for Covid-19.

​​​​​​What are the current measures regarding contact cases?

There is no no more official “contact case” status. Since February 1, 2023, the realization of a screening test on the second day of notification of contact status for asymptomatic contact persons no longer required. On the other hand, symptomatic people continue to have to be tested.

What are the current measures regarding wearing a mask?

The wearing a mask is no longer compulsory nowhere. But given the resumption of Covid circulation, it remains recommended to wear it:

  • if you are positive for Covid-19
  • in the event of symptoms suggestive of Covid-19
  • for prevention in closed and promiscuous places and public transport (metro, train, bus, plane, etc.);
  • in large gatherings, including outdoors, for vulnerable people because of their age or pathologies;
  • in the presence of elderly people, immunocompromised people or people suffering from chronic illnesses;
  • for vulnerable people (elderly or immunocompromised people, etc.).

What are the Covid measures in hospitals in 2023?

With the end of the state of health emergency in France on July 31, 2022, the health pass is no longer required at the entrance to hospitals. In 2023:

► Wearing a mask may be made compulsory in certain hospitals inside buildings for patients leaving their room in hospitalization, in day hospital, in consultation also for visitors, companions and patient care workers (ex-paramedics).
Wearing a mask remains compulsory for hospital staff in places where patients are present. (conventional hospitalization, consultation, day hospital, circulation corridors).
Wearing a mask is no longer obligatory in the offices, meeting rooms, transmission rooms, rest rooms, as well as in services and places not open to patients (laboratories, nurseries, etc.)
► Wearing a mask is compulsory, regardless of the location, for hospital staff who present with symptoms suggestive of ENT or respiratory infection.


  • March 14, 2022: end of the vaccination pass
  • March 21, 2022: end of isolation for contact cases
  • April 7, 2022: opening of the 4th dose of Covid vaccine to over 60s
  • July 31, 2022: end of the state of health emergency in France (end of the health pass, end of compulsory masks)
  • August 1, 2022: End of the health pass obligation in places where it might still be required (hospital, EHPAD, etc.)
  • 1st of August 2022 : End of the obligation to wear a mask, but it remains recommended in transport in particular / End of the possible use of confinement as well as the curfew / Dissolution of the Covid-19 Scientific Council replaced by a “Committee for monitoring and anticipation of health risks” (COVARS) placed under the ministers of health and research .
  • February 1, 2023: end of compulsory isolation for Covid-positive cases
  • From April 27 to June 16, 2023: new vaccination campaign (reminder) in France
  • October 2, 2023: second vaccination campaign (booster) of 2023 in France
  • Covid-19: International travel, Ministry of the Interior.
  • MesConseilsCovid.Gouv

#situation #January #measures



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