10 unexpected good habits to have optimal energy

2024-01-03 10:00:57

Having optimal energy is essential to leading a healthy and fulfilling life. This allows us to face daily challenges, stay productive and make the most of every moment. Yet in our modern world, it’s easy to feel exhausted and overwhelmed. Fortunately, there are simple and effective habits you can adopt to recharge your energy and feel revitalized. Here we explore 10 good habits that will help you optimize your energy and live life to the fullest.

1. Yoga: The path to balance and energy

Yoga, an ancient practice originating in India, is a powerful way to increase your energy and strengthen your body and mind. As you move through the different postures, you connect with your body and refocus on the present moment. This practice improves your balance, strength and flexibility, both physically and emotionally.

Yoga has many benefits such as reducing stress, improving sleep, reducing pain, reducing anxiety and depression, weight loss and improving quality of life among people. people with chronic illnesses. If you are a beginner, it is recommended to take classes with an experienced teacher to ensure you perform the postures correctly. Once you feel comfortable, you can easily follow yoga videos at home.

2. Tai Chi: Meditation in movement

Tai Chi, an ancient Chinese martial art, is often called “moving meditation.” It consists of a series of slow, gentle movements that imitate those of nature. This practice elevates your energy, allowing you to feel rested while still full of vitality. Tai Chi is a great option if you’re new to fitness, are in recovery, or have physical limitations that prevent you from moving easily.

Studies have shown that Tai Chi improves balance and stability in older adults and those with Parkinson’s disease, reduces pain in people with arthritis and fibromyalgia, and improves mood in people suffering from heart failure and cancer. You can find classes online or at local parks or senior centers. If you prefer to stay at home, there are also Tai Chi videos available online.

3. Functional training: Strengthen your body and mind

Functional training is a method of exercise that strengthens your body and mind. It does not require a gym membership or specific equipment. You simply use your own body weight to train. Exercises like burpees, planks, and wall squats help you build strength and fitness.

A study published in Molecular Psychiatry found that six months of functional training improved cognition and increased the size of associated brain regions. Other research has shown that this training method can help relieve anxiety and depression. Start slowly and gradually increase your intensity. Set small goals and measure your progress, this will motivate you to continue.

4. Walk in nature: Forest bathing

Taking time to walk in nature is a powerful habit for recharging your energy. The Japanese call this “forest bathing.” When you immerse yourself in nature, whether in a local park or a remote forest, you immediately feel the benefits to your well-being. A study published in the journal Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine found that people who walked in a forest had lower blood pressure and reduced cortisol levels compared to those who walked in a city.

Nature has a calming effect on the body and mind. It reduces stress, improves mood, stimulates creativity and strengthens the immune system. Additionally, it can enrich your spiritual life by sparking feelings of wonder, gratitude, and reverence. Take time to connect with nature, whether by taking a walk in a park, going near a body of water, or simply opening your windows to enjoy the calming sounds of nature.

5. Relaxation and moments of relaxation: Nourish your soul

In our fast-paced society, burnout has become a common health problem. It is therefore essential to take time to relax and recharge your batteries. Incorporate moments of relaxation and relaxation into your day. Go outside during your lunch break, sit on a bench and do nothing. Just observe the world around you. In the evening, instead of watching a series on Netflix, grab a book and make yourself comfortable. Engage in activities that calm you, such as reading, meditation, or a relaxing bath. In Dutch, this is called “niksen”, the act of doing nothing. This form of relaxation can effectively counteract stress and promote creative problem solving.

6. Digital break: Disconnect to recharge your energy

In our hyper-connected society, we are constantly challenged by technology. We spend on average 11 hours a day in front of our screens. This reliance on technology prevents us from fully relaxing and negatively impacts our energy and well-being. Take the time to take a digital break. Step away from your cell phone and computer for an hour, a day, a weekend, or even a week. This will allow your brain and body to relax and recharge, while allowing your vital energy to recover. It’s also important to filter the information you consume on social media. Replace negative influences with positive content that brings you joy and inspiration.

7. Sleep and Circadian rhythm: Respect your biological clock

Sleep plays a crucial role in our energy and well-being. According to traditional Chinese medicine, it is important to respect our circadian rhythm, that is to say our internal biological clock. This clock regulates many physiological processes, including our sleep. It is recommended go to bed before 11 p.m. to allow your body to rest and regenerate.

Lack of sleep negatively impacts our thinking, mood, and emotional health. It is important to get enough sleep, ideally between 7 and 8 hours per night. If your schedule doesn’t allow you to stick to these sleeping times, try to maintain a regular sleep schedule. Also avoid using electronic devices before bed, as the blue light they emit disrupts our natural sleep cycle. By adopting good sleep habits, you will promote optimal energy throughout the day.

8. Grounding: Connect to the energy of the earth

Grounding is a therapeutic practice that involves physically connecting to the earth. This can be done by walking barefoot outside, lying on the grass or beach, or swimming in a lake or ocean. This practice allows you to recharge by connecting to the electrical charges emitted by the earth. The benefits of grounding include improved red blood cell fluidity, reduced muscle soreness following exercise, and reduced stress, depression, and fatigue.

Although research into grounding is still in its early stages, it appears that electrical charging affects the living matrix between our cells, leading to decreased inflammation. Grounding is a simple and effective practice for rebalancing your energy and improving your overall health.

9. Crystals: The energetic stones of the earth

Crystals are beautiful stones from the earth that carry electrical energy. Although there is no contemporary research into their effectiveness, they have been used throughout history to improve health. Each type of crystal has specific qualities. For example, clear quartz is known as the “universal healer,” while obsidian protects you from negative energies emotionally and physically. It is important to choose the crystal that suits you best.

To benefit from the energy of your crystal, you can meditate with the stone, put it in your bath, carry it on your person, or place different stones around your home. Many people say that they can feel which stone suits them best by holding it in their hand. Crystals may have subtle benefits for your energy and well-being, but they are not a magic bullet for health problems. Trust your intuition to choose the crystal that will bring you the most well-being.

10. Nature Sounds: Harmonize your energy

Research shows that physically connecting with nature is good for our health, but listening to the sounds of nature can also have benefits. Natural sounds have long been associated with relaxation, and studies are beginning to validate this theory. For example, research has shown that the sounds of streams, birdsong, and fountains improve cognitive performance in adults and children. A study published in Scientific Reports found that natural sounds promoted a relaxing response of the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to lower heart rate, blood pressure and stress.

To enjoy the benefits of natural sounds, create a playlist, use an app or noise machine to listen to familiar sounds such as rain, ocean waves or streams. If you live in the country or near a busy street, simply open your windows and enjoy the calming natural symphony outside your home.

Adopting good habits to optimize your energy is essential to leading a balanced and fulfilling life. Yoga, tai chi, functional training, walking in nature, relaxation, digital time out, following your circadian rhythm, grounding, using crystals and listening to sounds of nature are simple and effective practices to recharge your vital energy. Choose the habits that work best for you and incorporate them into your daily routine. You will quickly notice an improvement in your general well-being and an increase in your energy. Take care of yourself and live each moment to the fullest.

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François Lehn has been a science/health journalist for 15 years. Specializing in new health approaches and complementary care, he notably had the opportunity to collaborate for two years with Professor David Servan-Schreiber. Passionate regarding integrative medicine and the complementarity of different preventive and therapeutic health approaches, he tirelessly seeks the best information, health practitioners, doctors or researchers in order to provide the most reliable and useful knowledge for everyone’s health.

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