2023 Hong Kong Political Review and 2024 Outlook: A Critical Year for Political Development

2024-01-02 16:00:00

2023 has passed. This year is a critical year for Hong Kong politics. The last election after the improvement of the political system was held and the system for patriots to govern Hong Kong was established. The outside world did not pay attention, but the central government spoke highly of the work of the SAR government.

First, speak highly of the District Council elections.

Hong Kong people are used to seeing only trees and not the forest. Take the district election as an example. What many people talked about that day was the computer failure at around 8 pm on election day, December 10. Maybe the computer had no failure and the turnout could be higher, but the central government would definitely accept the 27.5% turnout. goods.

The forest that the central government is watching is the confrontation between China and the United States. Every political issue in Hong Kong can be used by the United States to attack Hong Kong. Just imagine if the turnout is only below 20%, the United States and the West will say that even the establishment does not support this election. Now nearly 1.2 million people have voted. At least the voters of the establishment have been mobilized to silence the West first, so in Early the morning after the election, the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, the Liaison Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and other central agencies in Hong Kong immediately issued statements praising the election. Their final words showed that the central government highly affirmed the results of this election, especially that the SAR government was fully mobilized to mobilize voters to vote, and the establishment parties also cooperated in publicity. This phenomenon has never happened in the past, and it is also a good political mobilization experience.

Second, speak highly of the work of the chief executive.

One week after the district council election, Chief Executive Li Jiachao went to Beijing on December 18 to report on his work to the national leaders. President Xi Jinping spoke highly of Li Jiachao’s work, and highly praised the SAR government for its courage to take on responsibilities and good deeds in the past year, resolutely safeguarding national security, reshaping the Hong Kong District Council system, and successfully completing the district council general election. He fully affirmed the work of Li Jiachao and the SAR government. This meeting was also rare among the seven members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee. A total of four members of the Standing Committee, including President Xi, met together. This is the central government’s emphasis on Hong Kong and its affirmation of the chief executive. Don’t think that this kind of certainty is inevitable. I only made such a high evaluation after watching the work performance of the SAR government for more than a year.

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Entering 2024, Hong Kong will go all out to develop its economy and hope to make good use of the historical opportunities brought by the country’s development to push Hong Kong forward. However, political work still cannot be underestimated. There are tough battles, mainly one lawsuit and two pieces of legislation. One case is Jimmy Lai’s case. Although Hong Kong acted in accordance with the law and handed the case to the court for trial, the United States and the West completely politicized the incident from the beginning and demanded that the case be released without trial. Therefore, it is estimated that if the trial continues for 80 days, the West will continue to attack However, if Hong Kong no longer wants to politicize the incident, the consequences cannot be avoided.

As for the two pieces of legislation, the first is the legislation under Article 23 of the Basic Law, and its importance is self-evident. Another item is the legislation on Hong Kong’s critical infrastructure, which has received less attention from the outside world. When Chief Executive Lee Ka-chiu delivered his policy address last year, he mentioned that in the face of the increasing risk of global cyber attacks, the government will focus on improving the cyber security protection of critical infrastructure, including energy, communications, transportation, and financial institutions. It will be submitted to the Legislative Council this year. Draft legislation. If Article 23 of the Basic Law is about protecting Hong Kong’s security in software, the draft legislation on critical infrastructure security is about strengthening hardware security.

Building Hong Kong’s security is to lay a solid foundation for future development. The two have a dialectical relationship. Only when the security factor is improved can Hong Kong have broad space for long-term economic development.

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