Obituaries for today, Tuesday, January 2, 2024

2024-01-02 03:20:05

Cesar Alberto Sandoval

At 8 years old, your departure separated us, but love keeps us united. Your family


He died in Gral. Roca at the age of 54. His son and his other relatives communicate his death and that his remains, buried in room “B” of Villegas 1045, were buried on 12/31/2023 at 10:30 in the local necropolis. SERVICE: COMPANY DINIELLO


He died in Gral. Roca at the age of 83. His wife: Marta Elena Martin. His children: Cristian, Evangelina and Gisela. Political children, grandchildren and other relatives report his death and that his remains, buried in room “D” of Villegas 1045, were buried on 12/31/2023 in the local necropolis. Affiliated with the Penitentiary Pantheon Commission. SERVICE: DINIELLO COMPANY


He died in Gral. Roca at the age of 88. His children: Nelida, Isabel, Roberto, Hugo, Cristina, Estela, Sandra and Guillermo. And other relatives report his death and that his remains kept in room “C” of Villegas 1045 were transferred to the Parque Las Fuentes Cemetery for his burial. SERVICE: DINIELLO COMPANY


He died in Gral. Roca at the age of 71. His wife: Isabel Poblete. His children, grandchildren and other relatives report his death and that his remains, buried in room “C” of Vllegas 1045, were buried yesterday at 11:30 in the local necropolis. SERVICE: DINIELLO COMPANY


He died in Gral. Roca at the age of 29. His wife: Yesica Ortiz. His daughter: Sofia. His parents: Daniel Llanquinao and Nelly Leiva. And other relatives report his death and that his remains buried in room “C” of Villegas 1045 were transferred to the Parque Las Fuentes Cemetery for his burial. SERVICE: DINIELLO COMPANY

Pedro Pablo Leiva

He died in Neuquén on 12-31-2023 at the age of 71. Your wife Beatriz, your children Pablo, Nicolas, Roxana and Carol, we will miss you very much.

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