Urinary tract infection: what are the treatments?

2023-12-26 14:36:00

Most of urinary infections are cystitisdue to the microbe Escherichia coli normally present in the intestine. ” We are talking regarding simple cystitis when there is no risk of complications. This is the case of cystitis occurring in young womenoutside of pregnancy,” explains the Health Insurance website (source 1).

Benignthey must however be taken care of quickly to avoid complications. Indeed, in the absence of treatment, the bacteria in question can colonize the urinary tract leading to the kidneys and promote the occurrence of pyelonephritis.

If poorly treated, urinary tract infections can be the starting point of an upper urinary tract infection called pyelonephritis, a kidney infection. In addition, a urinary infection in a child, a man, an elderly woman, a persistent infection or one accompanied by fever and lower back pain require rapid medical consultation, explains Dr Manuel, general practitioner. A test with a urine dipstick helps with diagnosis.

How to quickly treat cystitis? What to do ?

In case of symptoms of urinary infection, as first intention: to drink a lot et empty your bladder often to eliminate germs. In 25% of cases, healing is spontaneous within 48 hours.

The antibiotic treatment useful evening if the symptoms are unbearable or if they last more than two days.

Which antibiotic medication to treat urinary infection?

The molecule with the most advantages (tolerance, effectiveness and little induction of antibiotic resistance) is Fosfomycin trometamol. It is taken as a single dose of a single sachet, following emptying the bladder, if possible in the evening at bedtime and acts within a few hours, explains Dr Manuel.

How long does it last ?

“In case of cystitis, symptoms may persist for two to three days following the start of treatment, particularly in the case of single-dose treatment, then disappear », Recalls Health Insurance.

Understanding the cause of recurrent cystitis

THE recurrent urinary infections, although common and very uncomfortable, are in most cases not serious. However, their cause must be sought in the patient.

If the recurrences are linked to insufficient hydration, then it is necessary drink more ;If they are related to sexual activity, then it is necessary remember to urinate following each intercourse ;Other causes can be found to recurrent urinary infections: excessive local hygiene, clothing that is too tight, hormonal changes linked to menopause which can be responsible for atrophy of the mucous membranes in the vagina.

A urine analysis (ECBU = Urinary Cytobacteriological Examination) makes it possible to verify that it is a urinary infection with a usual microbe and sensitive to common antibiotics, specifies Dr Manuel.

” From antibiotics recommended in the treatment of recurrent cystitis, the attending physician prescribes treatment taking into account the antibiogram results », Indicates Health Insurance.

How to effectively prevent urinary tract infection?

Now that the urinary infection has been eradicated, everything must be done to ensure that it does not return. It is important to urinate as soon as the need arises and to drink plenty of fluids, especially in hot weather when a large quantity of water does not pass through the kidneys but evaporates through sweating, says Dr. Manuel.

In the toilet, always wipe with toilet paper from front to back.

Concerning intimate hygiene, perfumed or irritating products should be avoided. It is better to prefer products with a neutral pH and limit excessively vigorous personal hygiene so as not to unbalance the intestinal flora.

Cranberry, a natural remedy to prevent cystitis

Finally, the canneberge ou cranberry (in the form of juice or food supplements) can be used to prevent urinary infection: it seems to limit the ability of Escherichia coli to adhere to the mucosa of the bladder and cause recurrent infections. Other natural solutions exist to prevent and treat cystitis.

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