Overview of Changes and Innovations for January 1, 2024 in France

2024-01-01 23:04:50

Many changes come into effect on January 1. Increase in the minimum wage, end of the withdrawal of points for “small” speeding violations, Pôle emploi changes its name, sorting of bio-waste becomes obligatory… Overview of what is changing from this Monday.


  • Launch of social leasing to buy an electric car

It is from this Monday, January 1, that the first “electric cars at 100 euros per month” will be available. This system, subject to resource conditions, should allow the most modest households to acquire a vehicle for monthly payments ranging from 50 to 150 euros. Some 20,000 car deliveries are planned for 2024.

  • Launch of the fuel allowance

The fuel check system will be replaced on January 1 by compensation of 100 euros. It will no longer be automatic and will be paid according to resources and the level of fuel prices. The system will be effective when prices approach 2 euros per liter, according to Bruno Le Maire.

  • Driving license at 17

It will now be possible to pass driving license B from the age of 17, without accompanied driving, instead of 18 years old until now. This measure, announced by Elisabeth Borne in June, aims to “facilitate the professional and social integration of young people, particularly in rural areas..

Also note that it is now possible to finance your motorcycle, cart and trailer license using your personal training account (CPF).

“Small” speeding violations, that is to say those less than 5 km/h, will no longer cause you to lose points on your driving license. The decree was published at the beginning of December for application on January 1. These offenses will now only be punished with a fine of between 68 and 135 euros. The one point reduction on the license will only apply for speeding between 5 and 20 km/h.

  • Crit’Air 4 vehicles banned in three metropolises

Crit’Air 4 vehicles, that is to say diesel vehicles registered between 2001 and 2005 for cars, between mid-2000 and 2004 for motorcycles and mopeds, can no longer circulate in the metropolis of Lyon and Strasbourg. In Grenoble, they will not be able to drive from Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. To date, eleven metropolises have started deploying EPZs, each with their own timetable.

  • Increase in the price of the registration document

Four regions are affected by an increase in the price of the registration document: Île-de-France, Centre-Val de Loire, Hauts-de-France and Normandy. The largest increase concerns Normandy (+31.43%) with a registration document which will now cost 46 euros.

Read also

The 21/12/2023

CARD – The price of the registration document will increase in several regions in 2024

  • Increase in the price of the Navigo pass

The price of the Navigo pass will increase by 2.30 euros to reach 86.40 euros per month.

Purchase aid for bicycles is available to second-hand bicycles under the same conditions as for new bicycles, for lower incomes or for professionals: within the limit of 40% of the cost of the bicycle, with a capping between 150 and 3,000 euros depending on the type of bike.

Individuals can now drop off up to eight used tires per year free of charge at a distributor, with no obligation to purchase a new tire.

Daily life and purchasing power

  • Extension of restaurant vouchers for shopping

It will be possible to continue to use your restaurant vouchers to do your food shopping until December 31, 2024. The measure, implemented in August 2022, was initially due to end on December 31, 2023. The usage cap of 25 euros per day remains unchanged.

The last increase dates back to May 2023 and this January 1, 2014 is not immune to a new increase in tobacco prices. From Monday, she will be able to go up to 1 euro per pack of 20 cigarettes to reach 12 euros per package. For example, the pack of red Marlboro, the best-selling in France, costs 12.5 euros. This increase also concerns packets of rolling tobacco, cigars and heating tobacco.

  • Increase in stamp price

2023 was marked by the disappearance of the red stamp, the year 2024 begins with an increase in the price of the green stamp. For a 20 g letter, the price increases from 1.16 to 1.29 euros. Concerning 100 g letters, the price increases from 2.32 to 2.58 euros.

The prices of tracked mail are also increasing, from 1.66 to 1.79 euros for a 20 g letter.

  • Compulsory compost for municipalities

From January 1, municipalities in France will be required to offer a solution for sorting bio-waste, either by offering a collection point close to residents, or via a separate collection. The idea is to continue to sort better, reduce trash and produce compost or biogas. Composting therefore does not become compulsory for households, but municipalities have the obligation to implement sorting at source and to recycle bio-waste.

Among the solutions, cities and towns can opt either for separate collection, with an additional trash can to be placed on the sidewalk on collection days, or a shared collection point (like glass containers), or with the distribution of individual composters to residents who wish to compost at home.

  • Retirement pensions revalued

Depending on the rate of inflation, retirement pensions will increase by 5.3% on January 1. An increase of 42.40 euros for an average monthly pension of 800 euros.

  • The increased and expanded repair bonus

Launched last October to encourage households to have their products repaired rather than buying new ones, the repair bonus will be “simplified, expanded and increased“on January 1, in the words of Christophe Béchu, Minister of Ecological Transition. Thus, smartphones and 23 new products are now eligiblebringing the total number of affected objects to 73.

For example, a reduction of 25 euros will be applied in the event of repair of a broken phone screen by an approved repairer. Certain products, such as dishwashers, washing machines, televisions or vacuum cleaners, will have a larger repair bonus.

  • Experimentation with the sale of ammunition among tobacconists in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques

From January 1, the sale of hunting ammunition will be tested in tobacco shops in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques. This test will take place during the first quarter of the year and the tobacco shops must be selected by the national federation of hunters and the confederation of tobacconists of France.

  • Automatic payment of scholarships to parents of middle and high school students

From January 1, scholarships for middle or high school students will be automatically paid. No action to take for parents of students.

  • Domestic violence

Courts and courts of appeal are equipped with a “specialist division in domestic violence” to better coordinate criminal procedures, with regard to violent spouses or parents, with civil procedures – instructed by a children’s judge or by a family affairs judge responsible for issuing a protection order in favor of a woman in danger or ruling on parental authority.


  • Sick leave for miscarriage

Women who have suffered a spontaneous termination of pregnancy will be able to benefit from sick leave without a waiting day.

Generalization of “prevention appointments” intended initially for the 45/50 age group.


  • Pôle emploi becomes France Travail

The first major change to start the year, Pôle emploi is changing its name to now France Travail. A simple change of name for the moment but which foreshadows a more significant reform of the operation of the operator from January 1, 2025. France Travail will become the control tower of an “employment network”, by coordinating the action of different actors in integration, training and employment.

The amount of the minimum wage is increased to 1,398 euros net per month. A mechanical increase of 1.13% due to inflation. Gross, for a full-time job of 35 hours per week, the monthly minimum wage increases to 1,766.93 euros and the hourly minimum wage to 11.65 euros. In France, around 3.1 million workers are paid the minimum wage, or 17.3% of all employees.

  • Revaluation of fixed compensation at the hospital

From January 1, hospital staff will benefit from an increase in fixed allowances for Sundays, public holidays and night work. Two texts were published last Saturday in the Official Journal, confirming the announcements made by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne last September. At night, compensation is increased by 25%for Sundays and public holidays, the fixed compensation increases from 44.89 to 60 euros.

As of January 1, company restaurants and canteens must comply with the Egalim law, the “law for balanced commercial relations in the agricultural and food sector and healthy, sustainable and accessible food for all”. Three objectives are now required: the dishes offered must contain at least 50% “sustainable or quality” products, including 20% ​​of organic origin, a vegetarian meal must be offered at least once a week, food waste must be reduced by 20%.

  • Compensation for internships in vocational high schools

All internship periods for professional high school students carried out since the start of the 2023 school year will give rise with retroactive effect to an internship allowance from January, ranging from 50 euros per week (in second grade) to 100 euros per week (in final year) .


From January 1, this new aid MaPrimeAdapt’ will allow elderly people or those with disabilities to finance housing adaptation work. This help can take charge of 50 to 70% of the work, depending on resources. Assistance may apply, for example, to replacing the bathtub with a walk-in shower, installing an electric stair lift, installing handrails, widening doors, adaptation of coverings or even direct access to housing.

The system is refocused on large-scale renovations, mainly for thermal strainers (classified F and G housing). To benefit from it, you will need to gain at least two energy classes on the energy performance diagnosis, and carry out at least two insulation actions and one ventilation. Assistance for the installation of air-water or geothermal heat pumps, or connection to an urban heat network, increases from 1,000 to 2,000 euros for low-income and intermediate households.

In the case of major works, MaPrimeRénov’ can cover up to 90% of the renovation costs, with a ceiling of 70,000 euros.

This January 1 marks the launch of “My Decent Housing Bonus”, a new aid to replace the “Healthy Living” and “Serene Living” aid offered by the National Housing Agency (Anah). This new system should make it possible to cover work worth up to 70,000 euros.60% for low-income households and 80% aid rate for very low-income households“.

  • Revaluation of the PEL rate

The interest rate on the Home Savings Plan will increase on January 1, by the way from 2 to 2.25%. This is the second consecutive increase in two years. As a reminder, this rate is fixed for the duration of the PEL according to the rate in force on the opening date. Only PELs opened from January 1 are therefore affected by this rate increase.

  • Evolution of the zero-rate loan

The zero-rate loan (PTZ) was to be abolished from January 1, 2024, but it will ultimately be extended until 2027, increased and extended. The maximum amount increases from 80,000 to 100,000 euros and will concern more households and cities. The share that a PTZ can represent compared to another loan taken out with the bank increases from 40 to 50% for low-income households. According to the government, six million more people are now eligible for PTZ.

However, the PTZ can no longer be used to finance the construction of an individual house. It only concerns the purchase of a new apartment in a stressed area or the purchase of old housing with work in a non-stressed area.

  • Bonus for rental

Owners offering vacant property or a second home for rent in rural areas are eligible for a bonus of 5,000 euros.

Read also

The 18/10/2023

Real estate: the zero-rate loan will be increased and extended in 2024

#Minimum #wage #speeding #license #biowaste #January



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