Child storage or education? |

2024-01-01 14:40:50

The new draft regulation of the KBBG (Child Education and Care Act & Ordinance) in the state of Salzburg is causing concern for many parents. We live in a time in which both parents are responsible for the family’s income, mothers should return to work as quickly as possible and single parents have to manage what makes two guardians sweat quite a bit.

As a parent, it is particularly important to know that my child feels comfortable in kindergarten, that his fears and wishes are taken into account and that the development and learning processes are supported by the pedagogically trained staff. We also value the exchange with the teacher, who sees my child’s strengths through close observations and can also tell me where my child still needs some practice.

Every parent is very grateful if their facility manages to maintain operations and professional care as well as possible, even in times of shortages due to illness. However, it cannot be the goal of the Salzburg state government to compensate for the shortage of skilled workers by permanently supporting additional staff (who only gain their knowledge in accelerated courses) and also employing them as group-leading staff!

In which direction should our education levels move in 2023? Child storage like in the days of our parents? Wouldn’t now be the right time for politicians to draft laws that contain contemporary framework conditions for our children and educators in order to enable our children to have a seamless educational path? Only with educational specialists do our children have the best opportunity to acquire so many vital skills and abilities so that their further education can go well.

Aren’t we all asked to act in the best interests of our children and do something regarding this draft?

Tina Tobin-Kittl, parents’ council at the Puch community kindergarten
#Child #storage #education

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