UK Political Asylum for Hong Kong Radicals – Recent Rejections by the Ministry of Home Affairs

2024-01-01 07:45:36

Former “Student Movement” convener Zhong Hanlin was released in early June last year following being imprisoned for more than three years for separatist crimes. He was required to comply with the supervision order of the Department of Correction for one year. He asked for permission to travel to Okinawa and took the opportunity to leave. Apply for political asylum in the UK. He was originally only 6 months away from regaining his freedom, but he might start a new life, but he chose to flee England and face the treacherous and ever-changing situation, hanging on for a while at any time. Friends in the political circle came across a report from the British “Guardian” saying that the Ministry of Home Affairs has recently used various excuses to reject the political asylum applications of many Hong Kong radicals living in the UK. One of the reasons is that the applicants have had their passports returned by the Hong Kong authorities. , so there is no need to obtain political asylum. This is quite similar to Zhong Hanlin’s situation, so his application for asylum is by no means a “sit down”.

Chung Hanlin was allowed to travel to Japan and took the opportunity to seek political asylum in the UK. However, the British Home Office has recently rejected Hong Kong people’s asylum applications for various reasons. Some of the situations are similar to Chung’s. Whether he can obtain asylum is still unclear, and it may take a while.

The British authorities’ attitude towards Hong Kong residents entering and residing in Hong Kong has turned from being hot to cold. They initially opened the middle door to fill the manpower vacancies following Brexit. However, immigrants poured in like waves, and the Xin Weicheng government had to rush to close the door. There are also many obstacles for rioters to apply for political asylum, which have become increasingly serious in recent times.

They were rejected for various reasons. According to the Guardian, one of the people arrested for participating in the PolyU riots jumped bail and fled to the UK and requested political asylum from the Ministry of Home Affairs. Luo Guancong, a million-dollar wanted man who is currently living in the UK, was particularly He wrote a recommendation letter for him, but officials from the Ministry of Home Affairs pointed out that the letter was not dated and did not provide the address of Luo Guancong’s current residence, so they refused to approve the application. It was obviously a forced excuse to give the applicant ginkgo, and the policy behind it was to lock down the applicant. Reject the “God of Plague”.

In another case, an applicant was arrested during the anti-amendment riots, but was later acquitted and released, and got his travel document back. He then went to the UK because he was “worried that the Hong Kong authorities would appeal his case and risk being jailed.” He applied for political asylum, but the Ministry of Interior stated that he was not guilty and might enter and exit the country freely, so there was no need to obtain “political asylum”, so they flatly rejected his application and coldly turned him away!

There is another similar reason, that is, the applicant also had his travel document returned by the Hong Kong authorities. The Ministry of Home Affairs pointed out that this shows that the law enforcement agencies have no intention of keeping him in trouble. In this case, there is no sufficient reason to seek asylum. Of course, the applicant was indignant and thought the reason was absurd, but the Ministry of the Interior’s statement was indeed reasonable. In fact, it was not apparent that the person was being “politically persecuted.”

Zhong Hanlin’s situation is quite similar to the above two cases. He has been released following serving his sentence and can get his travel documents back. The only reason is that he is still under the supervision of the Correctional Services Department and must obtain permission to leave the country. According to the logic of the British Home Office, he already enjoys a certain degree of freedom of entry and exit, and will be completely free in a few months. Now that we have regained our freedom, why do we need “political asylum”?

Of course, because he made a lot of news, was condemned by the Hong Kong authorities, and was backed by some overseas political organizations, he may be considered a “special case” and may be accommodated by the Ministry of Home Affairs. However, this is just a hypothesis. If the Ministry of Internal Affairs follows the lock-up policy and delays him for a year and a half, hoping that he will realize that he is sorry, then he will be hanged for a long time without being able to stay or return, and he will be miserable in the city.

In fact, according to the painful experience of others, waiting for asylum approval is never easy. They are not allowed to work or find a place to live on their own. They have to live in so-called reception centers provided by the government for asylum applicants and must be supervised. They are neither fully Having personal freedom and being often discriminated once morest and humiliated by regulators is even more unbearable than being imprisoned in Hong Kong.

Moreover, many people wait for a year or two, and even if they get a second interview, the result is still a formal rejection. The frustration is indescribable to outsiders. Their only chance is to appeal, but the success rate is very low. At this point, it can be said that they are at the end of the road.

Many radical Hong Kong people were arrested in Hong Kong and thought that they would be guaranteed political asylum following arriving in the UK. Unexpectedly, the government’s direction has changed drastically. The authorities have recently closed the doors to a large number of applicants, making them miserable.

I wonder if Zhong Hanlin ever thought regarding the possibility of falling into this predicament when he decided to escape from Japan to England, or was he prepared for it but just wanted to gain a chance? If he is thinking regarding the latter, and he still makes mistakes once more and once more despite knowing that the road ahead is bleak, then he deserves what he deserves, and I can only wish him good luck.

Tokito Monogatari

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Seven defendants were sentenced to prison yesterday in the thrilling “Guangcheng Man” bomb case. Judge Li Yunteng said a thought-provoking sentence when he sentenced: “The person who wrote the plea letter may not have known how terrible the defendants in the case were. This shows that the social atmosphere at that time was distorted. They corrupt people’s moral judgment and turn them into radicals.” Looking closely at the entire case, the most shocking thing is that six of the seven terrorists were middle school students when they committed the crime, and the “mastermind” Ho Yu-hong was in Form Three. , extremist thoughts can actually drive them to become maniacs who plant bombs to kill people. What is even more chilling is that behind the gang, there are many “financiers” who fund terrorist activities. They hide behind and push a group of middle school students to commit crimes that harm innocent people. It is extremely unscrupulous and the authorities must get to the bottom of it.

In the “Light City” bombing case, a group of middle school students participated in radical movements and became terrorists, launching a series of terrorist attacks. The details and mentality of the process are thrilling.

Looking through the details of the case, you can have a clearer understanding of their mentality when committing the crime and the inside story of their planned actions. The 20-year-old Ho Yu-hong, nicknamed “Brother Lennon”, although he is only a middle school student, is the main figure in planning terrorist operations and is responsible for recruiting, commanding and deploying the details of terrorist attacks. At a gathering in February 2021, he told the middle school students who joined the group: “I want to do something big to attract the attention of all Hong Kong citizens and awaken Hong Kong people’s awareness of struggle.” He also said that each participant will receive a bonus of NT$1,000. .

Ho Yu-hong made a plan at that time, which was for another defendant Chen Chuoxuan (also a middle school student) to use a backpack to transport and place bombs in the Kwun Tong Court Building from July 10 to 20, 2021, and then use a mobile phone to remotely detonate them. He said that a car would take him to the airport followingwards and he would flee to the UK. If unsuccessful, another middle school student Luo Qiying would sneak in and detonate.

At that time, some people thought that this was too dangerous, so Ho Yu-hong said: “If you do big things, someone must sacrifice, and if you do dirty things, someone must do it.” Another plan of his was to bomb the Tuen Mun Courthouse. After that, he would use the “Floating City” He will formally admit responsibility, and he will leave Hong Kong for the UK to control future actions.

Fortunately, before they took action, the Police National Security Department arrested Ho Yu-hong at his home on July 5, 2021, and took away 8 of his notebooks, in which he wrote down the purpose of launching a terrorist attack, including “undermining the stable structure of Hong Kong”, “triggering “domino effect”, “promoting conflicts between the CCP and all parties”, “establishing resistance organizations followingwards”, etc., and using actions to create new modes of resistance, elevating social movements to a “revolutionary” level.

The idea is to escalate the destruction from street protests to “violent revolution.” If the police had not stopped it in time, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Another main member of the terrorist gang is college student Zhang Haoyang. He grew up in a Christian family. His father is a clergyman and his mother is a teacher. He joined the localist organization “Xianxue Ideocracy” in early 2021, and later switched to “Guangcheng People”. “, and hid with He Yuhong. After learning that the other party planned to plant a bomb in the court, he said that he would provide money to help He purchase explosive materials, and help He Yuhong escape by plane. He then put 40,000 yuan in an envelope and hid it in a toilet compartment of Olympian City Mall, asking He to get it. In addition, he also promised to help recruit other students to participate in the operation and provide information on bomb-making techniques.

Later, they went to the bomb site for on-the-spot observation, and organized a division of labor, including those who placed the bombs and those who acted as “sentinels,” etc. The organization gradually expanded.

There is a “financier” hidden behind the terrorist gang. A property management manager was arrested on suspicion of financing the “Guangcheng people”, but he is only an intermediary. It is believed that there is a bigger “financier” above him.

From these details, it can be seen that they have a large amount of money of tens of thousands of dollars at their disposal. There is obviously a “financier” behind the scenes, using Zhang Haoyang as an intermediary to distribute the money to He Yuhong and others. In July 2021, the police arrested a property management manager, suspecting him of providing money to terrorist gangs. However, he was probably just a higher-level intermediary. It is believed that there is an invisible “big benefactor” above him. .

There are two points worth pondering regarding this shocking case: First, extremist thoughts can turn a group of simple middle school students into bomb-laying and murderous demons. The process of “becoming a demon” requires appropriate soil and accelerating agents; in addition, there must be people behind the scenes. Only some “black hands” and “water pipes” can facilitate the emergence of terrorist gangs.

The authorities and the whole society should learn from these two sources of disaster and prevent terrorism in the bud.

#Zhong #Hanlin #applied #asylum #time #Ministry #Home #Affairs #offered #shut #door #mercy



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