Artificial intelligence, ethics and peace

2024-01-01 10:00:00

“The intelligence is an expression of the dignity that makes us capable of acting with freedom. In particular, science and technology have an extraordinary creative potential, thanks to which it has been possible to remedy countless evils that affected human life.”

These resounding statements lead the Message from Pope Francis for the 57th World Day of Peace to be celebrated on January 1, 2024. This time the impact that digital technologies have on the lives of individuals and society, on the international stability and regarding the paz.

Artificial intelligence: contributions and risks

The progress of information technology – the Message states – has already generated profound transformations in the global society, in communications, public administration, education, consumption and in everyday life. Additionally, risks are mentioned that “allow people to control their mental and relational habits, for commercial or political purposes, often without their knowledge.” Given this situation, it is noted that technological innovations are not “neutral” but are conditioned by personal, social and cultural values; “they always have an ethical dimension.”

Pope Francis celebrated Christmas Eve Mass: “Our heart tonight is in Bethlehem”

The Message focuses especially on the forms of artificial intelligence. In this regard, it is recalled that there is no univocal definition in the world of science and technology, which is why it is preferred to speak in the plural of “forms of intelligence” without forgetting “the unbridgeable gap that exists between these systems and the human person, no matter how surprising and powerful they are.” These are, following all, fragmentary, in the sense that they can only “imitate or reproduce” some functions of human intelligence. Such devices, very different from each other, must always be considered as “socio-technical systems”.

Pope Francis called for a global treaty to regulate artificial intelligence

And it is added: “its impact, regardless of the basic technologynot only depends on the project, but also on the objectives and interests of those who own them and those who develop them, as well as the situations in which they are used.

Therefore, the beneficial contribution of technology to future of humanity and peace between peoples, it will only be possible – the Pope states in his Message – if we respect fundamental values ​​such as “inclusion, transparency, security, equity, privacy and responsibility.” In this way, it is necessary to strengthen “organisms in charge of examining emerging ethical issues and protecting the rights of those who use forms of artificial intelligence or are influenced by it.” Otherwise, freedom and peaceful coexistence are threatened.

Artificial intelligence, ethics and limits

The large amount of data analyzed by artificial intelligence is not in itself a guarantee of impartiality; the purpose and meaning of its operations will continue to be determined or enabled by human beings who have their own universe of values.

An aspect especially highlighted by Francisco is related to the jobs that are quickly absorbed by artificial intelligence, a phenomenon that runs “the substantial risk by one disproportionate benefit for a few at the expense of the impoverishment of many.” This should make us reflect on the “sense of the limit” so as not to fall into a “technological dictatorship” with serious risks for democratic societies and peaceful coexistence.

Another aspect of great ethical concern that the Pope focuses on is the ability to conduct military operations through remote control systems, which has led “to a lesser perception of the devastation that these have caused and of the responsibility in their use, contributing to an even colder and more distant approach to the immense tragedy of war.” In that sense, “The last thing the world needs is for new technologies to contribute to the unfair development of the arms market and trade.”, instead of promoting integral human development by introducing innovations in agriculture, education and the standard of living of nations.

Argentina is a protagonist in artificial intelligence

Is regarding achieve ethical development of algorithmsthe “algoretic”in which values ​​guide the development of new technologies.

Finally, the Message refers to the global reach of artificial intelligence that requires that, along with the responsibility of states, they establish multilateral agreements and adopt a binding international treaty, which regulates the development and use of artificial intelligence, not only preventing bad practices, but also stimulating new and creative approaches. “An ethical guide” is necessary – the document concludes – for the development of digital technologies that takes into account the meaning of human existence, fundamental human rights and how their use might contribute to the creation of a more humane world. .

Peace is the fruit of relationships that recognize and welcome the other in their inalienable dignity, and of cooperation y effort in search of integral development of all people and all peoples.

*Graduate in Philosophy, Coordinator of the Education, Ethics and Development Extension Cycle at the USAL Faculty of Social Sciences

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