Marcos Barberis said that “provincial funds for tourism will be maintained” in Río Negro

2023-12-29 11:08:07

The Secretary of Tourism of Río Negro, Marcos Barberis, He assured that provincial funds for works and for tourism promotion in the municipalities will be maintainedalthough at the request of Governor Alberto Weretilneck they will carry out a prior survey to manage the resources “rationally.”

Barberis said that the tourism infrastructure law – which guarantees the application in works for this purpose of 20% of the collection of Gross Income on the taxpayers of that activity – will be applied without alterations, but following reviewing projects, costs and feasibility. “We have to take a good look at how much funds we have and what can be done”he claimed.

He assured that the portfolio under his charge has no less than 11 executive projects already completed, to be executed throughout the province. For Bariloche, the most significant pending work is the Interpretation Center of the Llao Llao municipal park, which was put out to tender twice, was left empty and is currently in the process of direct contracting. “Several companies were called and at least one presented a quote,” he explained. “The budget remains to be reviewed and then it will be executed.”

He said that the province’s commitment is to build the Interpretation Center and a battery of bathrooms. The original budget, which he would have to update, was 214 million pesos. This work was initially more ambitious and years ago it received financing from the IDB and was tendered by the national government in the government of Cristina Kirchner and then re-tendered by Mauricio Macri. But the companies only put up some walls and gave up continuing. Now the province took it over.

Barberis said sustaining the flow of infrastructure investments “It is state policy, it is important and it will continue, because it is also committed by law.”

He stressed that it is not only for the benefit of Bariloche, El Bolsón and Las Grutas. The criterion is to distribute the works throughout the province, that is why among the works that already have a defined project there are some destined for Bariloche, others for San Antonio, Viedma, Conesa, Sierra Grande, there is also the second stage of the signage of the Wine Route, the cliff path in Viedma and inns on Route 23.

Regarding the funds for the Emprotur of Bariloche and other similar entities, he also said that there will be no restrictions or adjustments and The Weretilneck government will fulfill the commitment to transfer funds equivalent to 70% of what is collected for tourism promotion in the municipalities themselves.

In Bariloche, the annual budget prepared by Emprotur (which is already a few months old and perhaps needs to be updated) estimated its own collection of 1.7 billion pesos for 2024. Which would guarantee almost 1,200 million more from the province.

These funds did not always arrive regularly and the management of Arabela Carreras accumulated a debt of 200 million pesos with Emprotur. But Barberis (who was Secretary of Tourism of Bariloche and chaired the entity) said that actions to promote the lake destination and all others in the province cannot be relegated and will be given priority.

A look at prices and rates

The Rio Negro Tourism Secretary also spoke a few days ago regarding the need for private tourism providers to review rates and evaluate reducing their profitability to ensure acceptable occupancy levels. Yesterday he expanded on that idea and acknowledged that “it is difficult to project” hotel prices and other services for a month or two, “because it is not known what is going to happen with costs in general, rising inflation, the price of energy. But you have to have the ability to redefine things even with the season underway.

He pointed out that the impact of airfares (which had a jump of more than 100%) will be felt and will lead to a reduction and “a change of public.” He pointed out that Entrepreneurs in the sector have to define whether they want to have passenger volume with minimal profitability or greater income with fewer customers. “Each one will analyze it,” said Barberis.

He explained that for some hotels “The balance point is determined, for example, at an occupancy of 68%” and they do not apply to increase that barrier because they might not guarantee the intended quality of service.

He said that the rethinking of rates has already begun and that there will surely be offers and promotions starting January 10. He clarified that “Accommodating rates by resigning services is also a risk, and would be the worst option.”

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