Balance Sheet Integration 2023: High number of grants of protection and low levels of education as key challenges

2023-12-29 07:33:45

ÖIF records record number of ÖIF exams, 265,000 advisory contacts and 66,000 German course places; new integration service for skilled workers opened

Vienna (OTS) – The area of ​​integration in 2023 was characterized by the high number of people entitled to asylum and subsidiary protection who received protection in Austria. While the number of applications for asylum and subsidiary protection fell by 45% compared to 2022, the number of grants of asylum and subsidiary protection will increase due to the completed procedures in 2023: By the end of November 2023, the number was over 22,000 grants, which corresponds to an increase of over 30 percent compared to the previous year and thus the third highest value of grants of asylum and subsidiary protection in Austria since 2015. In 2023, Austria will be in third place in the EU for first-instance grants. Against this background, the Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF) recorded very high demand for integration offers: around 265,000 advisory contacts took place in the ÖIF integration centers, and 11,000 people took part in the values ​​and orientation courses. In addition to 66,000 German course places, the ÖIF recorded 60,000 exam attempts, more than ever before.

Integration Minister Susanne Raab: “In 2023, the number of asylum applications in Austria will have fallen sharply compared to the previous year. Nevertheless, the challenges for integration remain high. Given the high demand for workers, integration into the labor market is a priority. More and more German courses are being offered part-time and people are being supported when they start working. Integration works when immigrants take responsibility for their own integration, learn German and take advantage of the opportunities on the job market. I would like to thank the ÖIF and all people in Austria who work professionally or voluntarily in integration.”

Sandra Ivkic, overall manager of integration measures at the ÖIF: “The increasing numbers of recognition in the asylum sector are putting a strain on integration structures at all levels. With a new, Austria-wide uniform digital classification for German courses and the electronic dispatch of examination certificates, the ÖIF ensures that immigrants receive course places and examination results as quickly as possible. Due to the ongoing expansion of German learning opportunities, the ÖIF now has 25,000 participants per day, more people than ever before.”

Integration centers recorded 265,000 advice contacts / 11,000 participants in values ​​and orientation courses

The ÖIF integration centers in all state capitals recorded a total of 265,000 advice contacts in the current year on topics such as learning German, labor market integration and initial orientation in Austria. Most consultations occurred in Vienna (151,000), Styria (24,000) and Lower Austria (22,000). In 2023, over 11,000 people took part in the values ​​and orientation courses, which were expanded to three days last year. In 2023, the ÖIF women’s centers were able to support a total of 3,800 women with offers such as seminars and consultation hours with experts.

Maximum number of ÖIF exams / exam results within 6 days

Against the background of the increasing number of recognitions of those entitled to asylum and subsidiary protection and the high number of Ukrainian displaced people in the country, the ÖIF supported a total of 66,000 German course places with course providers throughout Austria in 2023. Two out of three people entitled to asylum and subsidiary protection granted in 2023 who attended an ÖIF German course were not literate, with around a third being people who were not literate in their native language and two thirds being learners of a second language were not alphabetized in the Latin script. With 60,000 examination attempts, the ÖIF recorded a new record number of participants in ÖIF examinations. Compared to the previous year, this corresponds to an increase of 16 percent. Given the high number of exams, the processing time for exam results has been shortened with a series of measures: Since January 2023, classifications for ÖIF German courses have been carried out throughout Austria using an innovative placement test on a tablet. Thanks to comprehensive digitization steps in exam processing and digital transmission of results, the processing time for exams has been shortened become. The result is currently delivered within an average of 6 working days.

100,000 participants in freely accessible online German learning offers / expansion of online specialist language courses

So that immigrants can combine working and learning German in the best possible way, the ÖIF expanded the range of intensive formats and German courses at off-peak times in 2023 and also expanded the online German learning offer: On the ÖIF language portal (, the largest German learning platform in the German-speaking world Space, a wide range of daily online courses are available regardless of location and part-time; you can easily take part via computer, tablet or cell phone. In addition to job-specific online German courses on “hotel and hospitality” and “food retail”, the ÖIF also presented the new online specialist language course “Learn German for Nursing” in 2023. This is aimed at people who are interested in training in the nursing sector, are currently undergoing nursing training or are already pursuing a nursing profession. Around 100,000 people took part in the ÖIF’s online German learning offerings in 2023. In total, 25,000 people learn German with the ÖIF every day through courses offered by course providers and online offerings.

Shortage of skilled workers: ÖIF opened an integration service for skilled workers and companies

The “Integration Service for Skilled Workers” opened in October 2023 and offers integration services for skilled workers and companies. As a central contact point for skilled workers and their families as well as for companies, the office offers information, advice and events on pre-integration as well as on living and working in Austria and on ÖIF German learning offers. For companies, the integration service offers further training and German learning opportunities in the company in order to keep foreign skilled workers in Austria and support them with their integration.

Qualifications from abroad: professional recognition support expanded

Anyone who has qualifications and training acquired abroad recognized in Austria can apply for funding to reimburse the costs from the ÖIF Integration Service for Specialists. This funding opportunity is now also available to all Red-White-Red card holders and EU citizens, with the latter accounting for around half of all recognition and assessment applications in Austria in the last two years. Those entitled to asylum and subsidiary protection, Ukrainian displaced persons, third-country nationals with long-term prospects of staying, and Austrians have already been able to apply for funding. In addition, the maximum funding amount was increased from 1,000 to 1,500 euros per person.

ÖIF career platforms with 5,600 job-seeking participants from German courses

In order to connect job-seeking participants from ÖIF German courses with companies that need workers, the ÖIF organizes career platforms in collaboration with companies. More than 40 companies such as IKEA, LIDL, SPAR, REWE, McDonalds and Post AG provided information at more than 60 career platform events in 2023 regarding specific employment opportunities, vacancies as well as entry and advancement opportunities for people with limited knowledge of German. Participants have the opportunity to find out regarding open positions and conduct an interview on site. With company visits for students, the integration ambassador initiative TOGETHER:ÖSTERREICH also focuses on career orientation. Students visit successful people with a migrant background who work as voluntary integration ambassadors directly at their workplace in the company and can thus find out regarding possible careers and industries on site. In 2023, TOGETHER: AUSTRIA reached more than 3,000 students across Austria.

Questions & Contact:

Austrian Integration Fund
+43 17 10 12 03 375

#Balance #Sheet #Integration #High #number #grants #protection #levels #education #key #challenges



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