Full for Longer: The Top 10 Foods to Keep You Satisfied and Lose Weight

2023-12-28 14:32:00

the essentials in brief

  • To prevent cravings, your diet should consist primarily of foods that ensure you feel full for a long time.

  • Satisfying foods are high in fiber and contain complex carbohydrates and proteins.

  • The goal of changing your diet is to eat and enjoy food without a guilty conscience or deprivation, while maintaining your own comfortable weight.

Would you like to reduce your weight with a healthy diet? Then you should focus on foods that keep you full for a long time and are good for your body.

These 10 foods will keep you full for a long time

Would you like to lose a gram or two? Then we have good news: you don’t have to go hungry or go without. The key is to change your diet in the long term and eat a balanced and healthy diet. You can achieve quick short-term success with radical diets, but this is often followed by the unpleasant yo-yo effect – and a crash diet is neither good for your body nor your mind. Starvation leads to fatigue, circulatory problems and real food cravings. In the long term, you will harm your body with an unbalanced diet. Juice cleanse, low carb, Paleo and Co. – when it comes to losing or maintaining weight, the options are almost endless. There are even foods that make you slim.

But what are the actual causes of the desire to lose weight? Unrealistic beauty standards, false ideals and unrealistic images from social media are often behind it. More and more people regularly feel high pressure and compare themselves with others. If you want to lose a few pounds, that’s completely legitimate, but you should only do it for yourself. There is a world of difference between our own comfortable weight and the idea of ​​what the beauty industry says we should look like.

Fortunately, the focus is shifting more and more towards body positivity and we are strengthening our awareness of more self-love and tolerance. However, there are numerous other reasons why you want to lose weight. Foods that are not only healthy, but above all ensure that we stay full for a long time, help us. They are rich in fiber, contain complex carbohydrates and proteins and therefore counteract unrestrained appetite.

In the clip: These are the 5 basic rules if you want to lose weight

A few tips from us: Lose weight through yoga – we show effective exercises and reveal a few relaxed weight loss tricks! You should also definitely avoid these 7 weight loss mistakes at breakfast. Maybe you might also try incorporating citrus fruits into your breakfast. And: These 5 inconspicuous habits make you fat! We reveal what you should pay attention to in order to live healthily and lose weight. We also have sweet low-carb cake recipes for the winter that you can eat despite being on a diet.

1. Oatmeal

Oat flakes are particularly popular for porridge or muesli, they swell in the stomach and therefore offer the perfect start and a good basis for the day. They are also ideal for baking or for savory dishes. We’ll tell you here how you can incorporate oatmeal into your diet and start your day with a healthy breakfast!

Morning routines to lose weight

2. Whole grains

In contrast to wheat products, whole grain products contain significantly more fiber, which in turn keeps you full for a long time. For example, you can include whole-wheat pasta or whole-wheat bread in your diet instead of eating common white flour products. The body converts white flour or starch in your small intestine very quickly into pure sugar, which causes your blood sugar level to drop quickly and sharply and, despite a full stomach, you become hungry once more in no time.

3. Nuts

Nuts are also full of good fiber, which will keep you full for a long time. You can easily pimp your meals with a few nuts, for example in muesli in the morning, in sauces or as a topping on a salad. They are also a good snack between meals. So leave the chocolate bar behind and grab a handful of nuts instead. Meghan Markle does the same thing – we’ll tell you her favorite snack with nuts here!

4. Legumes

Beans, lentils and the like provide your body with a lot of protein, have only a few calories, hardly any fat and keep you full for a long time. It mightn’t get any better than that, right? And more good news: The fiber that travels through our body absorbs a lot of harmful substances, which are then transported away and excreted.

5. Potatoes

Potatoes are also satiety because, among other things, they provide the body with multiple sugars. So it takes a lot more time to process them following eating. In this way, the energy is made available to the body more slowly and in measured quantities.

The secret of the protein diet

6. Quinoa

The carbohydrates contained in quinoa are complex and filling. The pseudograin also provides us with essential amino acids and is therefore one of the complete plant sources of protein.

7. Vegetable soups

Vegetables are filling per se and, when combined with such an amount of liquid, are a real appetite killer. And the best thing regarding it: Depending on the season and taste, you can vary the ingredients and bring variety to your diet. Popular soups include pumpkin soup, cauliflower soup or tomato soup. If you like something a little more unusual, you can also try it with oriental soups or special ingredients and spices. Do you know the vegetable broth trick? It melts away pounds.

8. Konjakwurzel

Have you ever heard of konjac root? Although it is not part of traditional Western cuisine, it proves to be extremely helpful when it comes to maintaining a lasting feeling of fullness. It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and can bind up to 50 times its own weight in water. This causes it to swell in the digestive tract and ensures a long-lasting feeling of fullness.

Not only what we eat, but also when we eat is crucial when dieting

9. Sweet potatoes

The sweet version of the potato has more calories, but it is also an excellent source of energy with a similar effect to normal potatoes. Sweet potatoes are high in fiber and reduce blood sugar levels by slowing the digestion of sugar and starch.

10. Dried fruit

Although dried fruit contains a lot of fructose, it is a healthy alternative to common sweets and also keeps blood sugar in check. The only important thing is that you don’t eat too much of it and that when you buy it, make sure that no additional sugar was used in the processing.

Water as a filler

Not only are the right foods crucial to your weight loss success, it is also important to drink enough water. More than half of the body consists of this element, which supports metabolic processes and biochemical reactions. Water maintains kidney function, blood pressure and also regulates body temperature. To use it to fill you up, you should not only drink enough throughout the day, but also drink at least a glass of water before every meal, including during the meal. It helps you not to eat more than you actually need and has a lasting effect. If water is too bland for you, try cucumber water or pimp your water with apple cider vinegar. Both help you lose weight!

#foods #full #long #time



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